WOW this is fun speaking my mind on Steemit a decentralized blockchain attached newsfeed, here is a FOLLOW UP POST on my intro:

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Hopefully finding out that the free enterprise [capitalist] ( system we have is not operated under the true meaning of such does not get you down or depressed because I also see a super-boom coming and if you are aware then you can prepare to be on the right side of the trade as I had mentioned in my [intro] ( This is good news.

I believe we have been under corporate capture all of our lives and it is getting better not worse because of awareness via the Internet and soon more so on decentralized networks like Steemit using the [blockchain] ( to prevent censoring or at least a tamper proof audit trail. Here is a little sample of the corporations controlling some of the most important news sources [here] (

I estimate that at least 20% - 30% of all wealth generated by hard working labor has gone to the establishment to buy $125 million dollar paintings and to pay for aircraft carriers to keep them in power under disguise of keeping you safe i.e.; [patriot act] ( We now have to vote them out like with a Bernie Sanders socialist, that would help to swing the pendulum back towards true free enterprise. I am not a socialist but would rather use that to take these criminals down to bring rule-of-law back in force against criminal banks, politicians and corporations.

One of Bernie Sanders financial advisors is [Bill Black] (

who wrote the book “How to Rob a Bank – Own One”.

I see the next recession bringing a new international trading currency as the US trading partners realize that the US dollar is being printed into oblivion. They will demand a new currency that they can consider “sound money” in other words, something backed by something like gold and most likely a basket of other currencies [SDR special drawing rights] ( That reset will hurt anyone holding other currencies like has happened three times in the last 100 years. I expect the stock market to correct by 40-70% when this reset occurs it will be a sudden overnight announcement. In essence stealing all pension plans from those expecting such. The establishment will front run the trades via [high frequency trading] ( through the central banks using the [plunge protection team] ( and [economic stabilization fund] ( and will have sold much of their stocks like what is happening in Europe now with nearly all bank stocks across Europe down 50% over the last year. Smart money is being parked on the sidelines and will short the market when they say sell.

Once this reset is over the establishment holding all the cards and cash will deploy it into Asia (India & China etc.) where labor is cheap and a huge middle class will be set to grow. This will be where our super-boom comes in. Resource based economies will be providing the needed supplies to feed the Asian industrial revolution 5-10 times the size of the western worlds over the last 50 years. Read my [intro] ( (if you didn't) and follow me here on Steemit to get more of my thoughts. Feel free to ask questions I understand that this topic is very dry and complicated. The establishment likes it complicated so they can inflate your money away in the form of a hidden tax as per [G. Edward Griffin] (

Yes, inflation is a hidden tax. Take the price of gold and what your purchasing power would be over the last 100 years confirms our money has been eroded by up to 98% in that 100 years. This needs to stop and you can prepare, it is better to be two years ahead of this reset then 10 minutes too late. How to prepare is to move your money out of the system and yes even under your bed. If you are tied in via a pension plan then if you can move that to lowest risk money market within the fund would be best IMO. If you can withdraw I would move it to physical gold or silver but make sure it is secured
also just don't tell anyone as well. If you are technology savvy then look up bitgold or [bitcoin] (

Please note I am not a financial advisor and I recommend you talk to one but understand that most of them feed off of your fees and they are paid and trained by the establishment. Good luck with your awareness please engage with me by asking for sources or follow me for postings from my favorite experts on this topic. If you want to help with my cause to spread the awareness I need a free casual editor as my grammar is not as professional as it could be.

My next segment will touch on follow the money it's not about race, color, nationality or religion it's about money and always has been!


@greenman People who are afraid of change will vote for Hillary. Bernie voters are not afraid to take a chance for a better future !!!!!!!!!

Thanks For Share.

Great post. Could need a TLDR at the bottom

Thanks. What is a TLDR?

Great post.

Thanks I just wish the hyper-links and images would have posted correct oh well I got it up and people can work through the links. I enjoyed writing it very much as this stuff is all stuck in my head. My next posts will give back ground of "How I See It" after 35 years in finance.

Upvoted again and again :)

great article

thank you for sharing