Glad to see you have recognised that losing the debt is the key to everything. I like the way you have broken it down into bite sized chunks. I would go further. Identify what debt you are going to lose first. I would suggest CC2 as its so small, it should be a quick win and will give you a mental boost. then why not go for that debt to your mate? You could even offer him a bit more if he accepts Steem! Get him onto the platform and transfer \Steem to him, avoiding fees etc. The next debt has to be CC1. Break this down to $1k every X days. and once you have paid it off, call the company and reduce you allowed limit to prevent you from being tempted to run it up again. I know it may seem bad leaving your Dad till last, but I'm sure he will understand and will just be pleased you are paying off your debt. You could even give him an idea of when he will see his money!
Good luck with everything. I am really looking forward to seeing how you get on.
You have a great point, I haven't organized my thoughts too much about what order to tackle the debt. Sounds like your strategy is similar to the Dave Ramsey "debt snowball", going from smallest to biggest...
I think I will follow your advice, I definitely want to crush that $300 debt ASAP since like you said it's a quick win. Hell, I can probably just pay it off in full within the next 10 days or so since I have my private client paying $600 as a bulk paycheck at the end of the month!