Pinnacle Entertainment (PNK) Analysis

in #money7 years ago


Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor is any content in this article presented as financial advice. The information provided in this blog post and any other posts that I make and any accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice of any kind. One should consult with a financial or investment professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. Plain English: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.



해진님 안녕하세요
제 댓글을 읽으실지... 한글을 읽으실 수 있을지 모르겠지만
오늘은 제가 이곳에 푸념을 털어놓고 갈까 봐요

뉴비 시절 마스터키가 노출되어 해킹 당한 적이 있는데
다행히 계정 복구가 되어 지금까지 별 탈 없이 지내 왔네요.

그런데 얼마전 제가 파워다운을 해봤거든요.
그런데 일주일 후 다운된 1800스팀이
예전 해킹범이 스파로 들어가 버렸어요 ㅠㅠ
참 어이가 없는 일이지만 그것도
문제 해결을 하고 있는데 지금은 조금 실험 파워다운 중이에요.
다행히 제 지갑으로 들어오면 성공한 거겠지요.
요즘 힘도 없고 재미도 없네요
이런 꼴 당하려고 스팀잇을 그렇게 열심히 했는지....ㅠ

이런 내용을 다른 분들도 피해 보지 않게 포스팅을 하긴 해야 되는데
그저 기분만 엉망이랍니다 .
해진님 찾아 주셔서 감사합니다.

You need to change your MasterKey...did you do this after the account recovery? If not, setup a brand new Steemit account using

Or contact @clayop for assistance who is also Korean.

Hi @haejin, do you only do analysis on established companies or are ICOs also in your field of expertise?

I can analyze the ICOs but bear in mind that current Steemit charts are those of equities and not coins. Only occasionaly I post on Crypto on Steemit since all Crypto analysis is contained in the site.

let me visit you, Mr. @haejin, I am very impressed with your post that this is not a compulsion for financial consultation, but this information is very useful for me and of course other people. thank you and sorry if there is a wrong sentence.