Money is not the most important element, but it stands right up there with breathing. You need money to sustain in this society. Money helps in building roads, parks, schools; it pays for public services, public safety, and law enforcement.
Money gives shelter to the homeless, feeds the hungry and also helps in educating the masses. Money provides the healthier opportunity to start businesses, high-end profit invests in real estate, and funds charities. The value of money is seen in the neighborhoods that lack it.
The importance of money in human life is similar to the importance of food for the body. Just like you can’t live even for a few days without food, you can’t survive for long without money.
You can definitely solve most of your problems of life if you have unlimited supply of money. If you have lots of money:-,
You won’t be facing basic problems of life like food, water,shelter or clothing.
You can buy all items for your comfort like house, Air-conditioners,TV and other household goods to live comfortably.
You can engage many servants to take care of you and live like a king
The only problem is that money does not come just like that to any person by any amount of wishing, praying or wanting. You have to work hard and compete with fellow human beings to earn money as the supply of money is limited in this world but the demand of money is unlimited.
For loyalty, again loyalty cannot be brought it is earned through your actions.
For love, money does not buy you love. True Love is beyond money.
For feeling secure, money will not bring that feeling. You can feel insecure with millions of assets in your name.
For true friendship, will those friends be there, if you don’t have money?
For happiness, money is not going to bring it, unless applied correctly, in your life or your mind is focused accordingly.
For gratitude, if you are happy for getting up in the morning and being able to start your day as you did yesterday without aches, pains, assistance. Money does not bring gratitude your mind set does.
Do I think taking money seriously as a goal in your life is important? I would say money is not your friend , it is a tool and knowing how to work with it, is important in todays world. Should you become obsessed by it, to the exclusion of everything else in your life? I think thats sad and a pity that that is all you believe yourself to be. You have so much more to explore and contribute in this world.
Good post. I would like to say that money in its all forms (including crypto) is a fiction that we need to overcome as a society. It conditions our actions and willingness. It's importance relies on our common agreement, but one the agreement it's obsolete it's importance disappears. Most of our current problems are money related, for example: corruption, planed and competitive obsolescence, poverty, etc.
Great post. Please read my biggest danger in crypto, would love your feedback -
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