Project of gnosis for digital currencies

in #money7 years ago


An introduction to the Nosys coins

(GNU and Waze)

Edit Matt Leston
(Petcoin) is the addition of a catalyst model for peer-to-peer network protocol. We're a GOT a SUPERVISOR. With that, I, I'm that exirience.
For example, in a simple mail send protocol model, most of the work is done in an additional layer, but the value resides in the application's internal layer.

U're hav a ned a nedd. Sween), these symbols are distributed in a manner similar to Betquin. U 're a superposed of Abbott Oss. Nocess-Gnocis will follow this approach, with the hope of providing a number of our own creations in addition.

A sustainable ecosystem for code holders, participants and application makers is achieved for a cryptographic economy at the platform or program level. The value of smart contracts depends on the veracity of their actual implementation. Open-Source). (Etherium network). If the codec is not found as an open source immediately, it is likely that the byte will be read and decoded as soon as it is published on the etherium network.
Wich is propagating and decoding whether it is open source, next to the model of the catalyst for this encoding. Here lies the dilemma,
What motivates new subscribers to use an existing network, instead of copying the codec? They then remove fees and costs.
Solution from the development element. We're a ned a trox. With The Economic Chaffere. Markets and funds become more competitive and more.
Overpriced? For easy exchange of goods.
We believe that it is necessary to move this phenomenon further.

Hit Gnosticis of three main layers: Essence, Services, Application.
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Neusys layers

The first layer: the essence of the noses

The core class is the one that provides Nosys with the constitutive smart contracts: creating symbols for the event and settlement, a mechanism for the market, the Oracle - the spiritual mediator, an administrative interface. This layer will always be available for free use. Creating new markets that have a marginal cost of near zero and remain competitive should go down to zero.
We feel that cost-cutting should be foreseen in the simplest stages of contracting, rather than acquisition or capture at the highest possible cost and without compromising competitiveness. Making use of open source and cost-free contracts in the interest of all parties rather than seeking to publish their own versions.

The second layer: the services of Newsis

The NOSIS service layer will provide additional services over the core layer using a trading fee. These services include the implementation of an international channel, new market mechanisms, stablecoin and processor payment integrations, open source application template, application control tools, and the Oracle market. Other properties can be added if they prove useful. These elements are essential to building most consumer applications on the Nosis.
State channels are a prerequisite for betting and financial applications, which require thousands or more transactions per second.
Without Stable Queens, market participants become vulnerable to the volatility of the coded currencies on which the market is based as a primary denominator, against their expectations of the outcome of the event. Application templates, tools and progressive selection controls. Will allow us to implement our vision of reducing the entry barrier for applications based on the forecast markets by two degrees. While some subscribers and applications interact with NOSIS at the core layer level, we trust that these services will provide an underlying reason for using the service layer.

The third layer: Applications of Nosys

The top layer services (and sometimes, the highest nosys essence alone) lay the application layer for the nosys.
These applications are essentially a platform interface, targeting the use of a specific speculative market or a specific customer segment. Some of these applications are made by Nosys, while third parties make each other. Our Vision includes a wide range of forecasting market applications built on top of the same platform and pooling liquidity.
These applications are likely to charge additional fees or use alternative business models such as market-making, selling information, or advertising. As we will see in the next section of the icons, many of the Nosys applications may include code bonds as a key element of their business model.

Introduction to the symbols of this world: GNO and WIZ

The symbol currency sold during the launch is known as the Nosys or GNO code, and the launch is the only time that the currency is formed, so the GNO stock is fixed. Participants in the service layer and the application layer will also be charged to Nosys with fees similar to those in the trading market. These charges are called as BTC and ETH. Nocess is not only trying to create interesting programs, but also to seek to create a community of people who are interested in sharing their expertise in the markets of Nosys. To do this, we needed to create a new model to log on to the users' login or subscription barrier (ie, need to pay BTC / ETH frequently). Therefore, in addition to the ability to pay value through the BTC or ETH, subscribers to the NOSIS ecosystem can pay by WIZ or Wisdom codes.
WIS can be used to pay platform fees on the service layer, support fees for other subscribers, provide initial market support or market share. WIZ will be installed at the equivalent of $ 1 fee. WIZ is a $ 1 payment voucher for use on Nosys platforms.

Rams Nocis (GNO) is the component of the process of creating Symbols and Wizards (WIZ). WIZ can only be created by activating the benefits of Nosys codes (GNO). This is done by smart contract system. The smart contract works as follows: GNO holders agree on security
Their symbols inside hold (from 30 to 365 days). Add a multiplier as the duration increases. The contract specifies the user-selected lock period and applies that period in a formula designed to regulate the stock of WIZ codes that are in use. Before securing symbols, the user can see the amount of WIZ received as a result of the intelligent contract execution. 30% of the WIZ amount will be available for handling once the contract is executed, and the remaining 70% will be distributed pro rata to the insured period. Once the insurance period has passed, the insured GNO stops generating WIZ and GNO and is freely convertible by its holders. There is no limit (other than duration) for the number of times GNO codes can be used to create WIZ.

How can NSIS remain viable if participants choose not to pay WIZ?

One of the core values ​​of NOSIS (and Decentralization) is to ensure future features for platforms for both users and developers without relying on the trust of the operating company. In order to do this, you must standardize the elements including the fee rates in the program itself. WIZ is believed to be the predominant way of paying fees within the ecosystem ecosystem.
If the reverse occurs (although it is not likely) and users decide to pay by BTC or ETH, the platform may become vulnerable to low-fee registrants or, potentially, violating the NOSSIS code base as well. These alternative platforms may be logical in corroding the user base of Nocess, resulting in loss of developers' confidence in their business-to-business (and market) applicability.
To avoid this scenario, we have designed a fee reduction technology to enhance the competitiveness of the NOSIS platform. Resulting in increased confidence that NOICE is the appropriate infrastructure for building markets by both developers and partners.
Note: This mechanism is illegally to be used as a game theory or as a forecast for users, who pay the fee mostly through WIZ. If this mechanism is triggered, we expect a very rare occurrence.

There are two basic requirements for this technique, rarely decentralization and cost. The machine has to be expensive to reduce unwanted manipulation. The basic functions of the mechanism are as follows: All fees paid by BTC, ETH or codes are sent to an auction contract outside the control of the Nocess Team. If there are any fees within the auction contract, any of the GNO holders may submit a tender by submitting a tender from the GNO for certain fees within the contract. In case of acceptance of the auction, the value of the GNO will enter the auction contract and the user will receive the specified fees. When the user's GNO input enters the contract, the fee reduction mechanism will be implemented resulting in a reduction in the NOOS partial fee for the total amount of GNO within the auction contract. The auction is unidirectional and the GNO can not leave this portfolio.


Examples of benefits of GNO and WIZ

Let's look at some examples of WIZM uses:
Alice, who is a NOSIS user and is also a GNO code holder. Alice is reserving a portion of the Nosse codes that she has for a year. Daily receive some of the codes and bumps up. You pay interchange fees using these codes.
(Bob Butt) are seeking to build a mathematical application to bet on the Nosys platform. They bought Bob Bots to purchase the Nosys codes during the code launch. Then close those icons to create symbols and shock. When Bob makes new markets, they also deposit a partial deposit of Wizem that belongs to the market to support fees for their users.
Clayer likes to ask interesting questions. Markets should be provided with NOISE with initial support for stock action. Clayer funds these markets by using, amplifying and paralleling the platform of Claire's (to a certain extent) Clair gets better answers to her questions because there are greater incentives for subscribers while providing them with and sharing their visionary support for these questions.
We believe that our binary symbols and our model (for services and substance) are ideal to encourage the adoption of the NOSIS platform. Adoption must be the primary goal of everyone towards the success of Nosis, as it increases the liquidity (leading to better prospects, encouraging feedback loop which leads to more reliable predictions) and awareness. With the availability of the nusys core layer without charge and with the one-time payment model through GNO's purchase of both applications and services, we can remain a relevant incentive for all system participants.

important information

GNO codes are functional symbols within the Gnosis platform. These symbols are not guarantees. The paid value for GNO codes is not refundable. Not for speculative investment. No future GNO value or performance will be made, including any promises of underlying and inherent values, or continuous payments, and there is no guarantee of a certain value for the GNO. These codes are not in partnership with the same company, GNO codes are sold as a functional commodity and the company is entitled to spend all returns freely under any circumstances. GNO codes are designed for experts working on coding for virtual codes and block-based programs.