Hello Steemians, I trust you all had a wonderful day. Tonight I think I should write about money. It is a topic of discussion everyone will be interested in because we all have a need for money at every point in time.
Money; A Necessary Evil
Money according to Wikipedia is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. Yes, money is needed for the payment of goods and services and several means of exchange has been considered in the payment of goods and services. Today I'm not diving into Economics since I don't have much knowledge on that.
Humans want are insatiable that you will always long for more after getting your previous want. In the bid to satisfy this ending wants, there is an unending need for the use of money. We all need money to satisfy our wants. The more money you have the more wants you can satisfy. With this, many people believe money is everything, they believe with money they can have it all.
Now the questions are;
Is money everything?
Is comfort dependent on money?
Is Money Everything?
Like a friend of mine will say "money is good and too much of it is better". Yes, money is definitely a must have as it is important in having a sound mind. Sound mind? Yes, sound mind. It is better to be in a rich position than poor and so is it a sin to be poor. I once wrote in one of my posts that we can't all be rich but I sometimes wish we can all be rich. I sometimes think of what the world will look like if we all have the same amount of money. This is not a topic of today as what I'm still trying to relay is the fact that money is a must have yet not everything.
People believe money is everything causing some people to search for money so desperately. Desperate enough to rob others of there hard earned money, desperate enough to defraud people, desperate enough to fill their coffers with money that belongs to the masses, desperate enough to take human lives just to amass wealth.
I tell you money isn't everything, I'm not disputing the fact that money can buy many things all I'm saying is it can't buy you health, peace of mind and neither can it buy you a lifetime of eternity. Money is good but it's not worth doing horrendous things just to get money. It is not worth destroying humanity for filling your coffers.
Now back to my second question;
Is Comfort Dependent On Money?
I will like to leave this question for you to answer. Hoping you will share your view in the comment section.
I have thought about this very topic for years. My own personal truth is I wish money was not needed at all, however, I realize it is always going to be necessary for a society to function.
I do think we can do better in a bunch of areas to help the masses live freely from debt though.
The constant and unrelenting greed that has consumed humanity forever must be stopped. I am a bit of a dreamer, so I choose to remain optimistic in this regard. I think bitcoin is an excellent first step. I think a universal basic income could be a good step (would need to really study it to back it further), I think streamlining different systems using blockchain technology (healthcare for example) could be helpful, and I think automation will do well to help humans live more fulfilling lives (someday).
But is comfort dependent on money? Yes, to a degree. If you have only enough money to pay your electricity bill, but not enough to pay your gas bill, then you would not be comfortable. But if you have enough money to pay all your bills, and then go get a pizza and come home and watch netflix and whatnot, then you are relatively comfortable.
I think comfort depends on money only to the extent of paying for your necessities. After that, comfort depends on what is really important to you in your life. For example, If all my bills are paid, and my wife and kids and I are all spending time together having fun, I am at my maximum comfort level. :)
It is definitely true money is needed for a functional society and greed must be stopped. It is just in human nature to always yearn for more.
I'm really glad you are dreamer who is really optimistic that greed can be stop. Crypto is a way forward and putting forward a universal basic income is a good idea if handled by less corrupt individual.
I love your answer to the question is comfort dependent on money?. Personally I think money is needed for comfort but also comfort also depends on that thing that brings you comfort. You can be rich and not comfortable.
Thank you very much for sharing your view. I just followed you.