Why most people will give up steemit. ( Typical 3% Rule )

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Well I am new to steemit and was very difficult to understand it in the beginning like every other cryptocurrency(for newbies). I came to know about steemit when Jeff berwick posted about steemit on facebook. I did not gave a much thought (I thought it is like Reddit to share anything) and posted the content from my website here. Which got all fuckall views.. :( but fine. Now i saw the video posted by @lukewearechange and it got more clear to me.

So why people will give up? well if you take a look at some posts, people are posting literally anything which is completely pointless(stupid shit) and expecting it to get upvotes and ultimately money. But how you can make it work?
I'll try to explain how I made it work for me on other website(as I've no achievements to show here).
Ok so the other wesite is upwork.com a freelancer website. If you post your profile there you'll find thousands of people doing the same job for a very cheap price like $1-2/hr (wtf!). Me and my friend were discussing this same upwork thing the other day he was complaining the same that people do work at very low cost(That's true). Those people are might be getting the jobs there but what is the use?, if you work 10 Hr you'll make $10-20.
I did that research and created my profile and set my standard rate $20/Hr and showed some sample of my work and guess what I got awarded the job within 3 hrs and made around $700 with that job. The guy asked me to lower the charges and was telling me about other competition, I told him If you want quality then you have to stick with me otherwise go for them No problem. But he gave me the job because of quality I was providing. See quality vs quantity

I see something similar here those who are posting lot of bullshit content are focusing on the quantity not quality.
Those people will give up on this platform sooner or later because they'll start complaining ohh it's only for famous people and all but will never try to understand what exactly the situation is what content are people looking for what they want to read or know. So those are the 97% people.

But I guess you don't want to be there so I won't just tell you what is not working and not give you the solution.
So here is the strategy.. If you know SEO for google, YouTube you might have picked up on the pattern of content trending here. If not then spend some time learning about it. Then you'll understand which type of content is people are looking for and make a post about that only. I know some of you might say But I want to be myself and write my own content, yeah!! but get some momentum going with these type of content and then you are free to present your own type of content. If you do that you'll be in that 3% group of people who take everything to make it work for them and not the other 97% who are hoping to get lucky.
So be in the 3%Group, not in the 97% group.


"those who are posting lot of bullshit content are focusing on the quantity not quality."

It seems that, since you have this realization, you would have spent a little more effort on formatting (proper paragraph breaks at a minimum).