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RE: Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere

in #money6 years ago

I've always wanted to invest in some precious metals but have yet to have the opportunity too. Even last year when I was making good money I was supporting others and also didn't have a fully functional bank account at the time so I was never able to purchase any at the time. As for the guidance part, well, I've been trying to figure that out a lot more myself recently. I quit my job and am setting out on the road for a while because that's what my guiding hand is telling me to do. Thanks for sharing and great words as always <3


If the urge to get precious metals comes up again, just realize you can buy them online with crypto.

I'm so glad you're getting a clear enough "signal" to know how to follow it, and have the commitment to do so. I look forward to hearing what comes of your trip once you have a chance to start digesting it. In my experience it takes some living of it in a very open way without trying to take anything particular from such a journey, and then at some point the dots start connecting and we shift to a new level of understanding. The integration before that is happening beneath the conscious mind and we do best not to drag it up to consciousness to dissect it prematurely. In other words, I look forward to hearing it when you're ready to share it, and not a moment before. 😊

If the urge to get precious metals comes up again, just realize you can buy them online with crypto.

I don't have much of that, either, unfortunately. Again, though, that will change in the near future I hope :) I think I was kind of on this journey some years back and it got cut short long before the time was up. Recently I decided after all these years to resume it. Thank you for your kind and inspiring words :)