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RE: Is The Middle Class About To Get Another Full And Complete Shearing? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

It's a bit confusing to me at times. On one hand I know they're trying to bring about the fall of the dollar and the birth of a new world currency, probably the SDR, and eventually a one world government.

It seems to me, that most governments are in line with this ideal. China is going to great lengths to create a totalitarian Big Brother state, and setting an example to the world.

But it seems there are 2 sides fighting, and I can't tell who's winning, and what the goals are of the second side (the side that supported Trump, like Kissinger, etc.)

So, is this drop really their doing? Or are people losing confidence in the system, or simply spooked?

Trump is definitely not on our side -- look at him now attacking WikiLeaks, whom he praised during the campaign.

I'd like to think both sides are losing their grip on the narrative and people are starting to lose confidence, and that soon, their sham will get unveiled worldwide, so we can rebuild.


It's all one big head F***. I don't know what to believe anymore....

I hear ya. All I'm trying to do is preserve as much wealth as I can for the future. If you look at history, the world's reserve currency has changed every so often, assets go in business cycles, and things are overpriced and overvalued.
Who knows what other lies and what other mechanisms the people in power will resort to, to keep their power.
I find it best to understand as much as I can about what they've done so far, and pay down all my debt, and set money aside in things I think will hold their value, or at least not lose as much value as the dollar.
No one knows when confidence will be lost. The best thing I can do in the meantime is prepare as best I can. Invest in stores of value, establish or join a self-supporting community (people helping each other). Argentina, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Weimar, Germany - they all made it through. Just being aware of a situation can be enough to see you through it.
It's important to not let the bad news make you scared. It's important to focus on the positive things and the things that make life worth living.
Venezuela is going through a rough time, and many people have fled. But people are still alive, and one day the dictator will fall.
We are too unruly a bunch to stay down forever.

Nicely put my friend!