Everything's a waiting game. Some good points, and agree that governments are very likely holding majority ownership (in fact i read somewhere the largest 'known' holder of BTC is the FBI - go figure). However, regardless of the rise & rise of crypto, we need to understand why it's getting attention. It's not thru governmental promotion,in fact the US is locking down as we know).
People have lost faith in the money system, we can see it clearly breaking down, and even the less fiscally-education people can see that the epidemic levels of debt are not recoverable, so cryptos offer save harbour for smart money. Who knows if it will continue to climb or not, it depends how you look at btc. I dare say you look at it as an investment, whereas I look at it as an alternative to a broken system.
I don't see myself gearing up to re-enter the fiat system in a big way anytime soon. Hedge your options, and be light on your feet when the signs start presenting more clearly.
Thankyou for your well thought out comment.