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RE: A Novel Take on Basic Income

in #money6 years ago

Very good points. I too have been moving my life toward more independence. I like the idea of basic income because 1) I believe that a person's right to food, shelter, medical care, and education should not be tied to their productivity because we have intrinsic value as humans that our civilization should account for; and 2) I believe we are moving into an era in which there simply isn't a need for the productivity of as many people as are living. We are in the transition, so there are all these extra people who were created out of needs of the old system who are now superfluous.

So however basic income is made to work, and whatever the drawbacks, I think it may really be coming down to either basic income or massive extermination of 50% of the world's population. Maybe we're creating the latter with our economic policy toward the planet itself. Maybe it's all a part of the master plan. I vote for basic income though.


Yes I am certainly sympathetic to the points you raise, indeed it's easy for m to bemoan UBI with a roof over my head and food in my belly .. perhaps not so with failing crops and a starving family. My main bone of contention is that it's simply a band aid over a far larger and deep rooted societal problem .. indeed problems created by the same entities that now espouse UBI.

The intelligent and educated self determination of resources and land use for said communities is key to overcoming our societal imbalances. Indeed in Africa for example we have indigenous crops failing for lack of water, alongside industrial scale plantations of flowers that use all the natural resources. .. UBI will fix none of these problems, it will simply enable business as usual for the multi-nationals and further detach said communities from their lands and way of life .. a sweetener that over time will become increasingly bitter.

By unleashing human ingenuity and cutting the regulation that so often holds us back I believe we already have the tech and the will to answer many of the worlds problems .. without the need for UBI. Our governments and the corporatocracy are holding us back from achieving this ideal and as such I see UBI as a placation. Of course I could be wrong and you raise some valid and pertinent points so as always I keep an open mind. Thanks again my friend.

Really good points. I didn’t know that was happening in Africa, but now that you say it, it’s easy to imagine. There definitely is a deeper problem than just automation and loss of jobs. And also systemic problems caused by what to me is a fundamental inaccuracy about the value of a human life and really of life in general. This systemic issue is not addressed by basic income. We do have to go further.

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