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RE: The Government’s Inflation Policy Is Killing The Poor And Middle Classes

in #money9 years ago (edited)

The problem is that the government shouldn't be in charge of regulating the economy. I've never seen an instance where they do a good job at it.

I foresee the situation becoming worse in the future, as another recession looms

Recession is a sweet simple word to describe real economic carnage to describe the pain that people feel in their daily lives.

"Oh, it's just a recession. We'll get out of it eventually".

NO! We're not going to get out of it. There is no signs of a plan. We're just in the middle of one of the worst economic storms in the last 50 years and there is no land in sight.

I think we need to come up with some newer, more colorful words to describe the current state of the world economy.

As soon as I think of one, I'll let you know. :)


The government regulates the economy so it can bail its own ass out. If you think of another word let me know :)