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RE: Merkel Prepares For a Deliberate Crisis While White House Plans For Disastrous Succession

in #money9 years ago (edited)

To put it more simply, I think Germany and other powers like US and Russia know that ISIS now has weapons of mass destruction and are trying to warn their populations from the danger of ISIS attacks.
I strongly believe that ISIS is ready to use chemical weapons on European soil, Russian soil or US soil.
Falluja, the Iraqi city sieged by the US in 2005 during the Iraq war was attacked by US chemical weapons and ISIS wants revenge. Abu Bhakr Al Bhagdadi was from Falluja and he wants revenge.
Sad to see that innocent people in the west may die and suffer as much as many innocent people in Iraq suffered during conflicts often orchestrated by oil corporations.
I don't think Merkel wants to spread fear among a her citizens unnecessarily. She did not spread fear when she run for re-election in 2013. But the world was very different then.
I think ISIS threat is real and I also think that neither Putin or Erdogan would even dream of using unconventional weapons against German citizens.
The real enemy is ISIS and we need to be prepared for its attacks.
Hence I welcome Merkel's sincerity and will buy a few bottles of mineral water and cans of tuna.
May the world learn to live in peace and may those in power understand the preciousness of human lives.