Incorrect. According to Clif High of the web bots ALTA reports, Bitcoin will survive for at least a generation. Right now there are enough Chinese pouring their own currency into Bitcoin as a store of value and a medium of exchange not regulated by their oppressive government to inflate Bitcoin for decades. Clif High talks about Chinese families in the future living off of their Bitcoins stored in the blockchain. Others are starting to comment online (jsnip4) that cryptocurrencies offer a replacement to gold and silver competing against hyperinflated fiat currencies.
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I do agree with halfpasthuman reports, however keep in mind, when bubble in 2011 burst, it was 2 years until another one. And after the big one burst in the late of 2013, it wasn't until December of 2015 until bitcoin gained traction again. Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer, it's just that I have witnessed these moves already three times and made money on it.