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RE: Is Anyone Having Issues Selling Their Bitcoin? Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

I am on, and today (12/8/2017) I have noticed extremely slow withdrawals from my account in ETH to my desktop wallet. No such delays in BTC, which is the exact opposite from what we are told - Bitcoin's network is slow, Ethereum & Litecoin are fast, etc.

One other item of note: Exodus ( wallet has EXTREMELY HIGH transaction requirements today. .55061644 ($251.79) required to change ETH->LTC or OMG?!! That is unheard of! Exodus usually only requires you to have $8.00 or so ETH in your account to exchange using the built-in ShapeShift connection. I was able to go to and do ETH->LTC and ETH->BCH manually, at greatly reduced cost of $0.18 or so.

Education saved me money in exchanging ETH for another altcoin today.