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RE: Lions! Expect A Short Term Dollar Bounce-Trade it! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

I can appreciate that statement. Greg just muted me for the second time due to the overwhelming request of the kittens...I mean, lions. Like Jim Cramer said, I'm not here to make friends. But unlike Jim, you certainly won't get your ass kicked by joining me on my trades. :-) And don't ever rely on someone else's opinion to gauge the validity of your work. I acknowledge your 2 losing SPY trades today. Well done! As always, keep your "best" trades>>> Behind the scenes....just as your mentor Greg does *-) But if you ever grow a set of nutz and get the guts to post a live trade, I'd love to see it...with strike, expiry, price, and stop...since you don't have enuff confidence in yourself as you freely admitted. Feel free to post the trade at any of my blogs. I'm sure you are excited about tomorrow's festivities. I sure am.


Well well, since you can envision it, why don't you post a live trade yourself so good or bad we can enshrine it in the halls of glory!

Go ahead and pick any of my blogs. All of my trades are posted "live!" Or, just wait for my short call on the Q's, GDX, long UVXY/VIX, or long DUST which "should" come sometime tomorrow if things play out well. Here's a trade you can do right now. SIRI just traded to a "lower" high of 5.67+ today and I was already short SIRI from right at the high as outlined here...

I just updated it for you.

that post is 2 months old. Is that what you got? Is that all you got?

It's not 2 months old. It's a new short trade as of today with a target of 5.20. I paid .09 for those Sept 15 expiry 5.50 calls. They were trading below that today.

Penny stocks is for kids, bring a man's trade to the table. Make me proud, take on something with real alpha, something that takes balls to play, like taking a trade on AMZN

Let's see your take on AMZN first. I did re-enter my third short in GOOGL today. And who really cares about the price of a stock. If I bring you a .25 dawg that rallies to $1 in less than a you "honestly" think you are going to beat that with one of your options trades? Go ahead and give me your take on AMZN and then I will give you mine.

you shorted googl? let us get our terminology straight. You shorted googl via the futures market or are you saying you bought/sold an option?

If you actually take the time to read the entire thread you will see how "slick" I am. The original spew was posted 2 months ago. But the short wasn't place until 7/27. You can check out my most recent spew on DUST for yet more evidence of my market saaavvy. At first my long entry target was 24.50. But go and read about how I avoided that buy. I know, you are thinking I am nothing but a braggart. But you don't realize how haaaard it is to be humble when you are this good! No brag, just fact! "Proven" without ANY reasonable doubt. :-)