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RE: Lions! New Stock Picks Posted To TradersChoice. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Yeah but...those NFLX puts are selling for over $9 per! I don't see any way this trade turns out to be a winner for you but I certainly "hope" it does as I am still holding SPY puts right now. :-) Just wondering what you saw on the chart? A rally into a previous low? You do realize that NFLX is going to trade thru the 52 week high before it crashes and burns I hope. You "might" want to curtail you shorting until the VIX trades to belowst 9.50. VIX only at 10.50 even as the general market is getting waxed? Doesn't that tell you something? :-) If I can get things squared away today I will long the RUT 2000 via IWM as it has the most upside of the majors. Not sure I can get er did today tho.