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RE: ALERT! Expect A Dollar Bounce And Gold & Silver To Go "On Sale." By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Nevermind, I went and checked the blog where you mentioned your Q's trade and it was a short not a long. You "obviously" closed the Q's long trade I outlined out teh Nov 141.00 calls. So I stand "corrected"'s QQQ trade likely needed to generate a 50%+ gain (not a 40%+ gain) for you to break even on the Nov expiry 141 calls you closed in order to short...prior to closing the short to go long yesterday. Sorry, bro...I apologize. :-)


I was short, made a profit on that, then yesterday I bought Sept 29 ITM calls. Killed it! Also, your rants are bizarre, please get your facts straight before posting OR revise/edit your spew... because frankly, (and people continue to write to me about you) they think you are a loon....

Oh, I have my facts straight. That QQQ long via the Nov 141 calls terade you posted didn't just "majically" disappear. The trade was closed out with s BIG loss. FACT!! Yesterday's QQQ long was initiated within the 30 day wash rule period. FACT!! Your ability to write off the loss was eliminated. FACT!! Unless you are trading a tax deferred account you realistically did not generate enough of a gain on the Sept 29 QQQ (whatever the strike) calls to overcome the loss. So the facto the matter is that you "should be" advising the lions to trade only in a tax deferred account if they are going to follow you into the same trades. No worries, you "said" you closed out your QQQ short with a small gain. That means you can follow me into my "gangbuster" QQQ short that is forthcoming and not have to be concerned with your bad trades. :-) You, the lions, and me. We'll rip their face off, Greg!

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