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RE: (VIDEO) Houston... The Fed. Has Big Problems..... By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Sure, the guy who just sold AAPL at $162 (per my "suggestion" I might I issued a sell call on AAPL at that price here at steemit) who switched to U.S. dollars or "parlayed" it into something that will create even more dollars will benefit.But the guy who sold AAPL and bought BTC shoulda just stuck with :-) He's losing more money in BTC than he would have by just holding AAPL the past 2 weeks...worse yet, since just Mon when Mallox mannarino said to buy AAPL...that's a "fact...period!!!" as Greg himself would Shirley say.

Your transaction at the bank was an exchange of equal values unless you got lucky and picked up a dollar coin with numismatic value greater than the price of the coins. In general those coins are all pre 1970 coins. Those will actually depreciate in value as will all "collector" items. Sounds like you are simply trading dollars for dollars and if that the bulk of your investment world then you have little to worry about. Yes, I plan to have plenty of dolars as they increase in value. I actually plan to "leverage" the missallocation of funds by placing small bets that some dollars are about to be eliminated from current "perceived" values. I have and will continue to spew thos great opportunities as I see them. I do more to bring America to the bedrock it needs to reach in order for a strong rebuilding process to begin than anyone out there. In fact, if you can find someone who does more than me then please let me know...and I will follow them. I can't follow you since I already am your future "reality"...sorry >>> :-(


The Present bears Witness of the Past,
and the Future shall make all things Clear...

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The actual truth is that those who failed to learn from the past are doomed to repeat the past always returns. Life in general is nothing more than cycles. :-)