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RE: $SNAP Bottom using JSNIP4 Reverse Indicator!

in #money7 years ago

Cool, I see you blocked my spew over at Utube so I will log in my short in SNAP here where you can't block me. :-) When I post the trade via the weekly put options let me know if you want to take me up on my $50 lunch bet...even though I know for a fact you don't pay on your losing bets. :-)


@joejustjoe silvergoldman aka sgm is a 110% a paper trading piker. He has admitted he trades a paper account.

My "guess" is that he will delete the Utube spew once he gets his ass kicked in this trade. He can't delete the spew here though. We'll see if he comes up with any excuses about why he got his ass kicked. No waaay this thing sees $17 unless somebody is dumb enuff to buy them out.

You are correct, sgm deletes his bad trade ideas at youtube. sgm will stop posting here if he gets his ass kicked by you, which will happen. sgm can not trade in my unprofessional opinion.

There's my o-fish-al sell signal on SNAP as it trades at 13.30. I can't believe the put contracts are so expensive. Premarket high was 13.42...but I will log in my sell call at 13.30. The cost of a 8/11 expiry $12 put is .47 centavos! Somebody knows this POS is gonna dumpf and doesn't want us to play >>> :-(

The "live!" chart as I am the ONLY trader in teh world that posts "live" trades. I'm THAT good! :-)

you are the best

Well, "slightly" better than Tacos anyhoo. I'm sooprised he's still in bidness after his recent dollah and bitcoin calls. :-) SGM actually did some eggzalent chart anal-ysis in this Utube spew. The only thing I don't agree with him on is his take on SNAP and oil. :O

sgm is the most amazing annunaki there ever was! It´s written in his mommy´s correct calls folder. You will never reach true guru status until your mommy has all your correct calls in her mommy´s correct call folder!

No update on SNAP from SGM yesterday so we "must" ass-oom he's still holding. Time to spalunk him again. I'll short SNAP again here at the premarket price of 13.13. Target of yesterday's 11.28 low...and beyond! :-)

8/21/17: I spewed a SNAP put option trade at Greg Mannarino's as an "add to" on this short of the shares at 13.13. Actual price paid on the SNAP 9/8 expiry 13.50 puts was .49. I might add to this position if teh price of the puts comes down but SNAP "should" turn lower starting sometime 52 wee low forthcoming methinks...still. :-)

Well, he held into the GRRREAT errrnuns news. SNAP now at 11.80 in after hours. Since my mission wuz accomplished as "promised" as this is a new 52 week low I guess I'll just bank the big 2 day gain. Ya want I should call "absolute" bottom...or should I let SGM "try" and do it? :-)

Uhhhm, I'm with you on the cryptos. Looking for a 50% drop in bitcoin starting here soon actually. Just trying to show you that you need to feed your trading machine Wendy's hot and juicy instead of Mickey D's. Eitehr that or you have your charts upside down. :-) Stand by for my short trade. I figger SNAP needs to see appx 13.25...ish. Might not happen today tho. :-)

BTW, if it turns out I was wron...wroooo....wrrrrr. I can't say it! "If" SNAP just dumps all over you like shit thru a goose and takes out your stop by trading through 11.90 first, I'll take over for ya. That way you can watch a "pro" handle it. No charge of course. :-)

SGM- I'd like to moderate your debate with jsnip. Let me know. I get the rights to the video and I WILL NOT edit the video AT ALL. -TMW