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RE: Would you Rather be Born Rich or Intelligent?

in #money7 years ago

It's an interesting conundrum, but I'm gonna call it out as a trick question!

Because what is intelligence?

I don't think it exists as an attribute that a person can be born with.

Everyone is born with the capacity to learn. And I believe that intelligence is the ability to use your own mind and think as an individual so you can make your own choices.

This is something that we learn as we grow - I don't think anyone is born with it.

Soooo to answer your question, I could not choose to be born with intelligence therefore I would choose to be born rich. BUT, if I could make my own choice here... I would choose to be born into a situation/family that enabled me to grown up in an environment that taught me how to use my mind, to think and to make my own choices.

Thanks for the post that really made me think this morning!!

Followed. :)