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RE: Steemit's new economic paradigm, or: Why Steemit might just work

in #money9 years ago

I can't see Steem taking off in it's current format. Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, even brilliant. But I can't see it getting mainstream adoption until it looks more like a social networking site. Hopefully it's just a matter of time, but I think it really needs a layout that's much easier to navigate and looks like facebook. Or perhaps some hybrid of facebook and reddit. On facebook I have my groups. I know the people posting there and I have somewhere specific to post when I want to reach those people interested in what I am. I can create events and invite people to things. The other thing it lacks is "friends". When I meet someone new the easiest way for me to connect to them is friend them on facebook. It's the modern equivalent of swapping phone numbers. And also, people love to accrue an identity, a social identity. At the moment Steemit is more like Medium. I use Medium, but no where near as much as I use Reddit or Facebook. And for the general population it's all about facebook. To get those people Steem will need to be set up in a way that it has all the features of facebook. All the features of facebook plus getting paid to post, like or friend people and Steem will take off like a rocket and will pass the moon heading in the direction of Pluto. Just my humble opinion.

ps. I can't wait for that to happen. I'm so ready to dump facebook as they start trying to funnel people into needing to pay for advertising to get access to the networks we've built up over the years.


I agree to an extent. I think people look for different things on different social media sites. Tumblr is structured very differently to Reddit, to FB, and so on. Nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed when I realised the "follow" button on here wasn't connected to anything, though I suppose they're working on that, and messaging features too apparently.

The great thing about it is, the site is, in a sense, just a skin for the guts of the site. People can build another site which shows the posts and people in a completely different way, using the data from the Steem blockchain.

And yes, fuck Facebook. 👌

yeah fuck it