One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:
Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent news regarding the coming emerging market crisis.
It's not just Turkey and Argentina facing a massive textbook emerging market crisis. Brazil, Indonesia, India and South America are also very vulnerable to capital outflows. With a massive dose of debt and a domestic credit debt bubble, the textbook emerging market crisis comes together like a puzzle. With incredibly flawed speculation and a banking sector crumbling at the seams, insolvent and scrambling to keep themselves on their feet, this will not end well.
In this video we break down many of the issues currently facing the monetary system and the stock market. We talk about the problems of vast centralization and debt. We talk about how it affects individuals just trying to get by in life while these out of control entities create havoc in the markets and monetary system leading to vast poverty.
Individuals have a way out however. From self sustainability, independence, decentralization to an understanding of money and value, people can find their grip on their own wealth insurance.
Decentralized cryptocurrencies that actually have fundamental value and aren't like the stock market based on speculation and especially not crazy derivatives or paper contract can change the world. Historic wealth insurance like gold and silver are always a win win in our opinions. People must know the way of the road, understand history and break free from this centralized complex depending on the dependence of the populace in debt for eternity.
Stay tuned as we continues to cover this growing issue.
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good boss post nice
More and more SHEEPLE are waking up to the HORROR that is the truth about why they can’t seem to ever make any progress in their lives .