Is A MASSIVE 50% Stock Crash IMMINENT? - Ron Paul's Latest Warning!

in #money8 years ago

massive 50 percent stock crash imminent ron paul thumbnail.png

In this video, I break down and elaborate on Dr. Ron Paul's recent warning on CNBC's 'Futures Now' that it's conceivable that stocks will plunge 50%, and it could happen in the next year!

As Dr. Paul says,

"It's all man-made. It's not the fault of Donald Trump in the last week.
If the market crashes tomorrow and we have a great depression, he didn't do it in six months.
It took more like six or ten years to cause all these problems that we're facing."


The fact is, Presidents have no say in the monetary system or the markets. While the markets may seem great to many today, it's all a facade. They looked good in 2007 too and we're seeing history repeat on a far more epic scale.

Dr. Paul also went into the inevitable negative interest rates that we'll see as the Federal Reserve attempts to further put off the massive fiat crash looming for so many years.

Of course globalist kingpin and champion of the treacherous centrally planned global cashless society Kenneth Rogoff recently claimed we will see negative interest rates in the next crisis.

Then, none other than Lord Jacob Rothschild recently claimed that we will see a massive stock plunge and that "30% of global government debt (is) at negative yields, combined with quantitative easing on a massive scale."


While Rothschild claims it's impossible to predict the unintended effects of negative interest rates, it's quite clear that the INTENDED effects of negative interest rates involves an unthinkable destruction of the fiat empire and while Rothschild is one of the biggest manipulators, he and his cronies are likely panicking right now as the entire system comes crashing down. But perhaps it's all part of the plan?

On the point of negative yields, it goes to our point a few reports ago where we spoke of how Italian junk bonds are yielding less than US treasuries. That is absolutely incredulous!

Everything's built on manipulation and debt. If you force a person down a bottomless pit of debt, they're forced to ask for a ladder up from the government and the banking system. This puts people in perfect servitude and it's a perfect storm for the manipulators. What's better than a fearful and indebted populace?

See the FULL video report here:

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Hey joshsigurdson,
Thanks for the great content

Italian junk bonds are yielding less than US treasuries.

In any remotely rational world, this could not happen. Italy is functionally bankrupt. But the United States is also in deep, deep trouble. Our debt to GDP ratio is at banana republic levels.

It will be good for keeping us warm this winter at least (-:

There's one upside! And it'll make some damn fancy wallpaper! ;)

I think your correct you couldn't just blame trump the foundations for this crash have been around for a long time , and you know what they say when America sneezes we all catch a cold, cheers mike

Keep up the great work Josh. Shared on twitter. Stephen

I think that it's collapse of the debt market that will collapse the stock market, along with other debt funded assets (houses, bonds, commercial property, consumer goods), while the price of real assets (gold, food, energy) will increase. It's what I call 'Hyperstagflation'

I wonder what it will mean for the crypto market

Will we see a new fiat currency system backed by gold I wonder? Only today on they were pointing how all the gold seems to be moving from West to East. A worrying trend.

Algorithms will fix it :(

omg i don't know what to said