MASSIVE Stock Market Crash IMMINENT As Investors Pull $30 Billion In Ten Weeks!

in #money7 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the imminent danger the US stock market faces following investors pulling $30 billion from US stock funds over the last 10 weeks.

Ron Paul recently claimed we could see a 50% stock crash in the next year, most of all very possibly in October following the debt ceiling decision on September 29th.

As John breaks down, the US dollar continues to weaken significantly. People are moving away from the US dollar as they see a massive tsunami ready to strike. The faith is being lost and fast. Unfortunately for the worthless fiat centrally planned system, they depend on that faith.

The Fed has printed over 4 trillion dollars to bail out all kinds of derivative assets to save the banks.

As we see constant reports in the news that the stock markets are at all time highs, is that not eerily reminiscent of what we saw in 2007?

This isn't something a president can solve. It's a market reality and it has to fail alongside the fiat system. Trump can do nothing about it.

The vast populace is being tricked by bankers once against as they fall victim to debt and therefor the servitude to the state and banking system which comes with debt.

An in debt populace is a subservient populace.

"As the banks sell high, you're buying high" John points out.

With the massive amount of money being pulled out of US stocks, these are the big investors pulling out and it's been in the making for a long time. Many are stocking up on things like gold and silver as well as other tangible assets. This should be a lesson to all of those out there being used and abused by this debt based, manipulated system. Do what the establishment does. Buy gold and silver. Stock up on sound money. Be financially responsible. Be self sustainable. Food, water, shelter, defense and sound money as well as diversification in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Escape the central banking system at all costs and save yourself from the debt based derivatives markets.

As John points out, this is entirely caused by government manipulation in the long run and it once again goes to show how much more sturdy and dependable the free market is. True individual demand, not propped up "too big to fail" corporations that are entirely dependent on the government's magic hand.

This stock crash will be on an epic scale like nothing we've seen before and the rest of the world will be affected dramatically as well. This just goes back to the importance of your ability to sustain your own life outside of any form of dependency. This is far more likely (despite the loss of fundamentals in this manipulated market) to happen in the next year than in the next ten years as the one an only Dr. Ron Paul made quite clear in his recent warning.

Then one has to ask how this will play into the SDR.

We will continue to report on this situation as it will no doubt unfold, fast.

See the FULL video report here:

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Calling the exact moment of next big crash is impossible.

Unless like Agora Financial, you issue a weekly call that there will be a giant crash next week. And in that scenario you will eventually, for one week, be correct

Spot on, Dave. They've created a nice little money spinner for themselves largely base upon FUD. However, nowadays their analyses would appear to be coming closer to a reality. I take no comfort or pleasure observing this impending train wreck. There's with a mad Chump at the engine throttle, federmen madly shovelling more fiat into the boiler, and a sharp turn in the tracks looms closer, closer, and... Good Luck to us all.

As always, your videos are always provocative, in a good way.

I do not invest/trade on stock market, is there a place where we can see this $30 Billion being pulled out? I just want to learn how to see that information and then monitor it in the coming days!...

Thank you! Well Bank of America Merrill Lynch put out the info. At the same time 36 billion has gone this past ten weeks into European and Japanese stocks.
I wish I included this chart in the video:


If 30 Billion Dollar come to crypto market, What will happen?

The entire market cap of all cryptocurrencies right now is $157B. If $30B flowed in, it would massively lift the tide for all the cryptos to benefit.

There is much more than $30B flowing into cryptos by july of next year, since Ledger X got approval to open a BTC/ETH options market in the US. Will be implemented by end of the year. Institutional money will then start to flow in. Get your positions now and good things will come. My first $12K invested since March is around $197K today. This is just the beginning.

I still think the markets will melt up with central banks footing the tab. The euphoria caused by keeping the markets high is needed as the economy is crumbling from the weight of debt.

Nic Post..!!

muy bueno me gusta

Anyone can see this stock market crash coming a mile away. The reason that there hasn't been any consumer price inflation that the central banks are craving is that all the inflation has been going into the financial markets. The dow jones is increasing at an annualized rate of 15% since the bottom of the 2008 recession. I can tell though that the toronto exchange is heading for a correction maybe before the US exchanges. The TSX 60 is in bear market by most technical analysis indicators. But the news makes no mention of it to keep the illusion intact.

What does that mean for the cryptocurrency market? Crash there as well?

I don't think so, the crash might happen in the US but cryptocurrencies are used globally and I don't think that they will be much affected by just crashing of one countries economy. But in the end the people decide the price of cryptocurrencies and it might offset the price a little bit but I think it can recover without much problem.

Certainly not, this is good news for cryptos really. The decentralized markets will stand out above the storm as the debt based markets fall.

I completely agree. It is time the people take their finances in their own hands and get rid of these banks who have been ripping us off for so many years.

This was interesting!

I think I know where the money is going.

graph from

This can means that the economic collapse is near? What does it meas for the average Joe?

Good post. A crash is coming, but more than likely a year or more away. There is no euphoria in the market. Lots of money on the sidelines. Companies just finished reporting record profits. If there is a tax reform package passed, this would likely give companies a 10% tax holiday and $2.6T in corporate profits that sit overseas will be coming back into the US and into the corporate coffers. There will be massive dividend increases, stock buybacks and M&A. This is all bullish for the market.

I'm looking for a 5% pullback in the next 2 months. We need this. It's normal and healthy and constructive for moving averages and the technical indicators. The indicators are still strongly in an uptrend. The markets don't crash when they are technically still in a bull market. Remember its normal to have multiple 5% pull backs in a year and to have a 10 correction as well. We haven't had this since 2015. Prepare for a pullback, but if you get scared out of the market, you will likely miss the big market melt up that Dr. Steve Sjuggerud (Stansberry Research) has written about for months.

I will reply to this with a reply I made a few days ago to another post:

"This is only just the beginning, and be sure, big banks are getting scared. If 1% of Wall Street's money would flow into crypto, most banks will get margin called, which is pandemonium...
Interesting times"

I have a question for John :)
Hi John, if these big shots are pulling billions from the system and move it into gold, shouldn't the gold price go up A LOT ?
I am not seeing that happening.
Yes gold is up a little but that seems to be it.... ?