In this video, I talk with David Moadel of Portfolio Wealth Global about several things affecting the markets and the monetary system currently.
David has great insight into a host of issues which he features regularly on his YouTube channel.
First, David goes into the very real issue of market manipulation as we see banks and governments prop up or crash markets across the board. Gold and silver have been extraordinarily manipulated most notably since 1933 at the confiscation of gold by FDR which was used to fund the ESF. David explains that this will end very badly for the old economy.
David then explains what we are currently seeing with the yield curve as it shows clear signs of it inverting. Every time the yield curve inverts, it is soon followed by a recession.
All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero, they always have, they always will going back to 1024 AD in China.
With that, we talk about the extremely notable housing bubbles happening throughout the United States currently, very reminiscent of 2007, but this time even worse. David talks about how interest rates are involved and how this will lead to the coming storm.
He also talks about the future of cryptocurrencies as blockchain technology is used for good, but also the dangers of a centrally planned digital cashless society in the playbook for countries like China.
Finally, David explains how individuals can make passive income and strive for success rather than being dependent on banks and government.
All this and more!
Panta Rhei aka everything will change all the time.
It is about due that some changes are being legalized
by the powers in charge.
As usual, the technology front runs the politicos & religious entities.
Did real change ever originated there?
Stay alert.
And if sheeple ever woke the fuck up they would realize the incredible advantages blockchain has to offer for the purposes of keeping everything legitimate . Imagine no more financial fraud from the government . No voter fraud . No schooling fraud . Etc etc etc . This is the tool I think humanity has been waiting for . Everything can be in plain site for everyone to see . Of course we have to be weary of the government saying SHIT like “we can’t have transparency due to national security reasons” , but then we’ll know they’re up to something .