DTube - Iran REJECTS U.S. Dollar - Switches To Euro!

in #money7 years ago

One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent news of Iran switching from the USD to the Euro.
We recently reported on the fall of the Iranian Rial as the economy continues to crash. Well, this only cements what we said of the vast centralization of society in Iran, as well as basically everywhere else in the world. The fact is, it doesn't matter, the Euro and the U.S. Dollar are both fiat garbage. Centrally planned into oblivion. They both will inevitably crash eventually.
With that said, Iran has been made out to be the boogeyman for more than 60 years and has dealt with sanction after sanction. This recent build up seems to show a trend in the direction we saw in countless other countries in the region before their absolute takeover by the west. Could this switch be Iran begging for some "democracy" to be rained down on their heads?

As long as society is centralized, society is trampled by central bankers and politicians. We are seeing countless countries swap out of the U.S. Dollar and it won't stop any time soon. But the woes of Iran will not stop any time soon neither.

All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero, going back to 1024AD in China. This will not change, regardless of the country.

We as individuals must break free from this paradigm and not only rule ourselves but decentralize our lives and educate ourselves.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these issues!

▶️ DTube

For some strange reason my DTube is not working, but did you ask what it means for the Brettonwoods sisters?

Well this looks like a tough one.

I guess the issue of crpyto currencies and decentralization will solve this mess. Off to check out the video

Imagine if we all have the same money currency? Hmm

Yes, imagine... It will be the time for the mark of the beast in Revelation, without which no man may buy nor sell. BEWARE.

They probably have Russia's backing if the USA threatens military action. A war with Russia Trump doesn't want. But the belligerent Deep State wants war of course. The Deep State must defeated in the USA and they will fall around the world like dominoes as people wake up to their fraud.

I do not believe crypto will solve any problems. I think this is the way the beast in Revelation will get everybody into the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, which will bring in the mark of the beast, without which no man may buy nor sell. The end is coming. Beware falling into "their" trap.