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RE: Debit / Credit Card payment might be gone by 2030

in #money8 years ago

Hi @jacor

I think this might actually happen in the future but I don't think it will come that early. For example I just started using crypto currencies a month or two ago and as of now I'm really disappointed about all the transfer fees you are confronted on every corner.

For example when I started I charged a minimum amount of BTC to my first wallet, bam there was a little charging fee (not much but still a lose of my money). The next thing was I transferred it to another wallet and again, transfer fees. And if it wasn't still enough, the next bummer, transfer fees on the receiving wallet.
In this first transaction I made a payment of 25€ and at the end the receiver got something about ~23,5€

In my opinion that's a lot of fees and there need to be done something.

I still enjoy paying with depbit card at local stores or my paypal account in online stores as I have even faster payments, no fees and a big plus is that i have a buyer protection, should something be wrong with the ordered items the seller receives no money until the problem is solved.

As I already said this whole thing is new to me and I might miss a lot of things and lack of information but for me it might take a long time until debit cards and services like paypal will be replaced by crypto currencies.

kind regards
Djangos story @juicypop