Bitcoin will overtake Dollar : Robert kiyosaki

in #money6 years ago

Robert kiosaki ,the author of best selling finance -book " Rich Dad and Poor Dad " explained his views about the US dollar and the fact that there’s nothing to back it up. He also said that cryptocurrencies are the future they will replace the Real Money .

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Rich Dad and Poor Dad
The finance book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” went on to sell upwards of 32 million copies, that was huge and eventually it has turned it into a multinational sensation and its name in the list some of the most popular books. This book told us the overall importance of financial literacy.

Recently , Robert Kiyosaki shared his views about the current situation of the US economy and its currency (Dollar).
The dollar which isn’t backed by gold since President Nixon conclusively took it off the gold standard in 1971.

He said that this turned the dollar into "fake money" .

Robert - I’ve always been a gold bug. My latest book coming out is called Fake. There’s so much fake money. In 1971 Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and the US dollar became fake money.

Already they had a big crash in 2000, they called it the dotcom crash, then in 2008 it was the subprime real estate crash. The next is going to be the biggest of all. According to him, the constant printing of more money is inflating a large bubble which will cause the next massive economy crash.
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Who will overtake dollar ?
During a podcast in April the author shared some if his views on cryptocurrencies . He reffered to cryptocurrencies as the people's money .
He holds firmly that cryptocurrencies, gold, and silver, will eventually replace existing fiat currencies. Dollar is going to end in near future.

According to a recent report , Bitcoin need to have a value of $213,000 to replace the US Dollar.

Lets see when bitcoin will achieve this level .

What u guys think ?
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