With all of us being on Steemit I think this is a topic we need to cover. I've gotten a little crazy at times, Even started crying tears of joy. When I've seen my curation rewards. Not only am I having a blast on Steemit, But I'm making more money than I could ever imagine on Steemit.
This is like one of the greatest opportunities I've ever had in my life. Although I want to make sure we also have the right mindset with receiving such amounts.
Everyone wants to make more money in the world. This makes complete sense when you consider that fact that everything seems to be getting so unbelievably expensive. While everyone seems to think that having more money will solve all of their problems, they ignore the fact that it has long been said “more money, more problems”. When you suddenly go from having little money to having a lot of money, it can negatively impact your life.
It may seem like it can buy you happiness, but it doesn’t. Money can change people, especially if someone goes from having nothing to having a lot of something.
Have you ever wondered why so many celebrities crash and burn or lottery winners end up struggling? If you are not used to having so much money, you are more likely to go through it than those people who have gradually worked their way up to a high level of income. People who get a huge increase in money will be more likely to splurge on items that they have always wanted without actually budgeting out their money to ensure that it lasts.
There are also negative impacts on your personality and your behavior. By suddenly having a lot of money, you may begin to think that you are better than other people. You may be sucked into the belief that money puts you on a different plane than other people, which is an unpleasant place to be especially for those people who have to deal with you.
This can tend to make people less empathetic and can have an adverse effect in how you judge other people. It can also cause people to have a sense of entitlement, thinking that people are supposed to be doing things for them.
Having a dramatic increase in money can also make you become consumed with making more money instead of just enjoying what you have. This constant chase will ultimately get you to feel more unhappiness because you always want more. Money can also cause people to be more susceptible to addictions and have difficulties when it comes to ethics.
Money may not be the root of all evil, but sometimes it just is not a good thing if you come into a lot of money unexpectedly. You may not know how to manage money, and you may get over-excited about the things that you can buy now. Money can be an incredible thing when you know how to spend it wisely. As long as you are smart about it and do not let the money get to your head, having a dramatic increase in money is not going to impact your life negatively.
The subject of money may be a boring one for most people, But it's something you must learn to successfully have a lot of it.
If you've read "The Millionaire Mind" By Harv Eker,
He goes into the mindset you need to have, In order to successfully have lots of money, Although he doesn't necessarily go into the topic of budgeting, saving and investing.
I highly recommend you read that book, In addition to some budgeting books to help you manage your money better, so you don't lose it all.
Thank you to "Unsplash" for the Photos in this post :)
I make less than $75,000 at my day job.
So...I'm totally cool with the extra money Steemit is sending me.
LOL! I meant a year! Hahaha Maybe I made a typo XD
I know what you meant. I've heard of the same study. Teachers just don't make $75,000 a year. (Although if this Steemit thing continues, between teaching, books, and Steemit I will make over $75,000)
Aww you are a teacher? Thank you for that :)
I have a massive appreciation of teachers. You guys deserve a lot more!
I hope you make over the 75,000!!
Wonderful post. ....and beautiful photos.
have little money - even worse )
Thank you :)
Hey I'm good at managing money :) I invest a ton :)
It's true "Money cant buy happiness". I'm just wishing i was making enough money to help out those who need help financially encluding myself. I've always just wanted to make it by comfortably and I'd be completely happy with that.
I agree I know studies have said that if you make above 75,000 per year your happiness doesn't go up as a result. but below 75,000 to a certain degree happiness does go down.
Exactly :)
Hopefully everyone can live comfortably sometime!
Money is a points system. The more points you have, the more able you are in achieving things that require points for you to have them. It can't buy happiness, but you need your "points" in order to maintain the things you currently have that make your life livable so as to avoid misery by not having them - such as electricity, water, clothes, food. Those things aren't free, but they are necessary for you to maintain living. Everything else is auxiliary, yes, but if you have goals, chances are very likely that to achieve those goals, it's going to cost you money - points. Since the whole system (society) runs on this point system, everything has a little bit of point value assigned to it.
No, points/money do not make you happy, but achieving your goals certainly does.
I love this comment It's so true :)
Goals do make you happy.
I think happiness and money aren't correlated in the exception when you are starving, having no clothes or no shelter to sleep in.
The "Love of Money" can be the root of all evil indeed because money is not an end in itself. It's one of the most direct mean to acquire resources but if one's goal is money itself he will sooner realize that "there is no there there".
Since I am now quite significantly more wealthy than I was 3 months ago, I can say that I think a lot less about money than I use to since I'm not always wondering if the I'm gonna receive a call from the bill collectors.
Also, if you are an asshole, money will probably make you an even bigger asshole.
I hadn't thought of it that way :) It's like the perfect comment!
The worst thing about wealth is the loss of drive and creativity. You become more concerned about not falling than you are about climbing. Scared to fall and too weak to climb, you end up in this sort of comfortable purgatory. The novelty, jet-setter, family wrecker and burnout phases take about three years end-to-end. Then you find out what sort of person you really are. Most are dissapointed at what they find.
OMg I love the way you said that! "scared to fall and too weak to climb"
Why, thank you! There really is a fear that comes with any type of success - the fear of unsuccess. And it can put you in a very strange place personally and professionally.
I think it is like balance of voting power
Check my blog @bullionstackers
How I get negative 6 to +6 after reinstated
Thankks,, I'll have to keep an eye on that, I've noticed I've been diluted lately. Maybe I'm a higher number when undiluted
Money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly buy you freedom.
Be careful what your talking about. Depending on the money it's the last thing that can give someone freedom. Shall I dare utter the words legal tender here lol. But I totally get what you're saying, having financial independence can help you achieve "freedom".
But this is just me personally nitpicking some small shit that you're probably aware of anyways, I just wanted to remind everyone if you (some legal entity) use legal tender you (that legal entity, not YOU, not you, I'll say it again not you, it is an account, in my case named William Zewe) under acts and statutes that's it that's all, that's all that's it.
Thank you for your unique imput LOL
Haha indeed, thats going much deeper though. Into the philosophy of money, economic structures - a whole different ball game :p
I'm trying to get deeper into it, Because it all fascinates me :)
Agreed :) A bit of money helped me leave my job, But if you don't spend wisely it can make you have less freedom too.
I think it mainly comes down to the behaviors and attitudes to money you develop over time. When I first started on a very low salary I was forced to approach money very differently.. even looking at bulk buying toilet paper as an 'investment'.
When I stared making more money I think I had the right attitudes and respect for money developed in that more difficult, but educational time.
Exactly! I do the same thing ! I think we financially have our heads on straight :)
Agreed! I'm glad we are being smarter with our money, I know I already responded to your comment! I can't seem to find it though, So If I'm spamming you with comments I'm sorry LOL
Thoroughly enjoyable post. Now I don't feel so bad being poor.;))
Thank you :) You shouldn't feel bad about being poor :) if you practice good habits you can be not poor in no time :)
This is very true. Sudden undeserved wealth can corrupt deeply one's sense of purpose and lead to decadence and procrastination.
Exactly :)
I'm going to go ahead and disagree but I wholeheartedly enjoy your content. Money is just a tool. The more money I make, the more animals I can help. You said yourself that your money from Steemit saved your rabbit's life.