If they are gonna just give it away.. I might as well..........

in #money8 years ago

Hello all my steemians.. Steemites... Steemicans... What ever you want to call yourself. I am posting this morning about a new app. Its called "fopaminer". Its a new faucet for litecoin, bitcoin, and ethereum. Just came out today. Since it is new i have not had a payout but... I have from all of their other apps and spoken with them on more than one occaision. I feel they are trustworthy. I will list the apps at the end with my referal code. We both get bonuses if you use it. I mean... Its free money. Would u pass up a dollar on the ground if you saw it??? No u wouldnt, so dont pass this free money spicket up. I like to play them during my daily pooping party. You can only read the shampoo bottles so many times before you need something else to occupy your mind while you colon filabusters into the mouth of the porcilin turd theif. Let me know if u have any issues. I would be glad to help

Referal code=miner192

"Ethereum maker"
referal code=eth81

"Ethereum farm"
referal code =eth6539

"Doge farm"
Referal code=doge3522

"Zcash reward."
referal code =zec356

"Litecoin farm."
Referal code =LTC3441


I belive , writing good content , is very important to engage followers .. :) @ronaldmcateer

Working again after some server changes :D
I've posted all info about the app today.
Here's my Fopaminers entry: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@tese/fopaminer-new-cryptocurrency-miner-app

it had been off and on all day.. Working good on my end now as well.. Almost 1/3 of the way to litecoin payout now. :)