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RE: Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack

in #money8 years ago

No wonder why he's going all out invading and pretending to make war on terrorism Putin has pretty much destroyed his own economy and on top of that is hoping to prop up a genocidal dictator in basher all Assad in the hope that he could then bring back his economy in track.


@mscleverclocks What a pile of bullshit you came with , claims without sources. You say assad is the least of those problems , what do you even know about syria? I have family in syria, ive lived in syria , Ive seen all the problem in the world in syria. The assad had a law in syria called the emergency law, go and inform yourself a bit before spitting shit like this, why would you want to impose a law that gives you the power of a god? This law allowed them to shut off any political aprties for the past 50 years, what happened in 2011 is an accumulation. Retarded people trying to make it look like the us is trying to overthrow assad, when the fuck did the us had any problem overthrowing anyone. My information ins;t outdated , your just another pro conspiracy theorist , probably one of those who thinks isis was created by either the americain or israel. These sanction were put in places because of putin abusive treatment against the ukrainian people, how the fuck can you defend a guy that is invading a country like georgia for the past 8 years without any valid reason, how can you defend a guy that has killed over 40 000 children in chechen pretending there was over 60 000 "trained" merceneries in chechenya , this is all propaganda the same old propaganda you find the russian proping up via their rt channel. Are the us bad? of course they are for backing up these terrorist kurdish millitias in syria but don't tell me that bashar al assad whos directly responsible for the death of over 400 000 syrians civilians , claiming them as collateral damage is the least of these evils.

Your information is outdated I'm afraid. 1. The economic collapse was caused by AMERICAN banks in 2008. 2. After the Ukranian crisis it was AMERICA and Europe who placed sanctions on the Russian economy, driving the ruble even further down. 3. AMERICA is supporting (and has been proven to have trained and supplied) terrorists in the middle east. Assad is the least of those people's problems.