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RE: Why Financial Crises Will Continue To Occur As Long As Humans Run The Markets

in #money8 years ago (edited)


  1. Bots or computer algorithms cannot possibly run the markets because
  2. Bots do not have needs and desires
    1+2:. All value is created out of human interaction because we are fallible biological entities under an entropic ecosystem. The market is a by-product of the human experience. It cannot be run by bots.

For markets to become fully bot automated we need first to become cyborgs in a way that incorporates our entities with an advanced A.I.—with our needs and desires having litle to do with the physical world and more with an augmented version of reality.

This so far belongs to the domain of science fiction. If we ever reach that point, markets will be obsolete.


Precisely! I was about to post a similar reply, but you've stated it so cogently already.