The number 33 is the most important number in Freemasonry and recall, Hillary’s first email investigation was for 33,000 emails!
Also, of interest: He was supposedly born on the lunar eclipse day 70 years ago; his date of birth apparently hides the Satanic symbolism 11911, 14.6.1946: 1+4+6/9/1+4+6. His selection will be officially announced on 9.11.2016. 9/11, as we know, is also a very important masonic number.
The level of your analysis is a bottomless pit. What? The whole thing got a religious tone now with conspiracy lizard kings ruling the world and divine forces of good vs evil, God vs Satan and magical numerology?
You have 313 votes. 3(1)3 .magic number 33. its all a sign man.
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