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RE: WannaCry Ransomware Virus Is a Globalist False Flag Attack On Bitcoin

in #money8 years ago

No they don't. Also this "globalists" theme is a meme. One could call the bitcoin whales "globalists" that themselves control massive amounts of money and still be correct. This kind of language is propagandistic and holds no ground. One only has to shift their narrative.

I got into steem when Jeff talked about it and then Dash. Wish i had've gotten into the others earlier!!

Really. Check the links I will post now to see how many times he has been wrong and how one could lose enormous amount of money if they have listened.

-1- Inevitable Global Ruin - [ If you call it enough times, well at some point it will happen due to the fact the economies move in cycles ]

-2- Inevitable Global Ruin ...Since last year. ..nothing happened. Instead the markets surged upwards. You would have lost money..again

-3- Deutsche Bank failing [ never did ]

-4- Jubilee year supposedly ... Anti-semetic nonsense. Never happened

-5- Markets will collapse January 1st. Never happened

-6- Gold went to shit...called 8 months ago to buy

The fact that he has so many people buying his bullshit demonstrates how easy people forget and how sheeple flock in the sound of glory. I haven't even searched in detail. More than 90% of what he says is nonsense and sensationalist rhetorics that entertain the naive minds.


Manipulation is the game...

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