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RE: THE DOLLAR'S IMMINENT COLLAPSE IN 2018? - How will it affect us all? @dollarvigilante (ENG)

in #money7 years ago

(Google Translate)
Hola @albertoyago! Con base en su estudio del trabajo de Dollar Vigilante, ¿puede ayudar definiendo qué significa la frase "colapso del dólar"?

Aquí está mi preocupación. Supongamos que estamos en un mundo donde el dólar se ha derrumbado. ¿Qué clase de mundo es ese? La respuesta depende de lo que se entiende por "colapso del dólar".

Estos son algunos ejemplos de lo que podría llamarse "colapso del dólar"

Cuando Estados Unidos salió del patrón oro en 1971, podríamos decir que fue un colapso del dólar.

Segundo, el dólar que existía en 1913 no puede comprar ni siquiera una barra de pan hoy, e incluso el dólar de 1980 ya ha perdido el 50% de su poder adquisitivo en 1980. Estas son también cosas que podrían llamarse "colapso del dólar".

Entonces, para entender de qué está hablando Dollar Vigilante, primero tenemos que saber qué quiere decir con "colapso del dólar". Para repetir, en ** su ** significado de "colapso del dólar", ¿qué tipo de trabajo habrá cuando el dólar se haya colapsado?

Hello @albertoyago! Based upon your study of the work of Dollar Vigilante, can you help by defining what the phrase "dollar collapse" means?

Here is my concern. Suppose we are in a world where the dollar has collapsed. What kind of world is that? The answer depends on what is meant by "dollar collapse".

Here are some examples of what might be called "dollar collapse"

When America went off the gold standard in 1971, we could say that was a dollar collapse.

Second, the dollar that existed in 1913 cannot buy even a loaf of bread today, and even the dollar of 1980 has already lost 50% of its 1980 purchasing power. These are also things that could be called "dollar collapse".

So to understand what Dollar Vigilante is talking about, we first have to know what he means by "dollar collapse". To repeat, in his meaning of "dollar collapse" what kind of work will be in when the dollar has collapsed?



Dear @lestatisticien ! thanks for your message. By dollar collapse, I mean the end of of the tool which makes possible the US global hegemony and the US Empire, which is just one more empire along history that will fall the same way the greeks, romans, spanish or british did in the past....

Of course, any fiat currency loses its purchase power year by year due to inflation...and you can not compare the dollar from 1913 with today's dollar at all. When I mean "dollar collapse" I am refering to a real hyperinflation in a short period of time where most of the international creditors of the US lose the trust in the US Treasury and its capacity to pay back its debt and no longer accept it as a medium of exchange or a deposit of value.

Actually, 1971 is what made the whole situation worse and what ended up converting the dollar in the reference currency for today's global trade allowing the US to print as much money as they please to get into debt at expenses of other countries.

We've got to learn from history as it always repeats itself (even though when we are so arrogant to think that we are better and smarter than older generations). Please, look what France's president Charles de Gaulle said about the dollar back in 1965 to understand how old this issue is...

I'd also highly recommend you to watch Mike Maloney's "The hidden secrets of money" dedicated to this very matter. This video is quite informative and might make you understand all more in-depth.

hope my answer was good enough for you to understand what I mean by "dollar collapse". If not, I am open to discussion.

Cheers! :)

Thanks a lot @ albertoyago, and I think I understand your meaning reasonably well. I too have studied monetary history, and all of Mike Maloney’s videos (plus some very good ones done by BBC, and another American historian whose name escapes me just now). So, I think I understand your meaning, and have no problem with it.

To me, Mike Maloney's videos are the "gold standard" for high quality videos.

What I was really asking you was what was your understanding of Dollar Vigilante’s meaning.

I suspect he means more than the ending of the dollar’s international dominance. Anyway, he says so much about “dollar collapse”, that he has the responsibility (in my opinion) to define his key terms carefully. (The phrase obviously can have different definitions, which is all In was trying to say.) I have not seen that yet.

Even worse, unlike Lynette Zang at ITM Trading, he spends very little time helping us to prepare for the post-collapse world. It is as if everything will be magically better, a proposition I do not accept. We will all have to work hard to make that a better world, I think; because we have no idea what powerful interests might emerge to dominate that world.


you are absolutely right @lestatisticien! glad you agree with me and like Mike Maloney's work...I think he is really really good! In one of his latest videos, he talked about blockchain and hashgraph (as a blockchain killer), which is a bit confusing for me to understand yet. Anyways...lets not be catastrophic...what about a world with Elon Musk as president of the US and where we get rid of oil dependence entirely? What about getting rid of the army and heinous Weapon industry and where there are no wars for oil anymore? Where robots make most of the jobs and money is no longer a problem as there are no more jobs as we know them now and people can dedicate their life to their true passions and boost their creativity to continuisly build a better world? What about shutting down the FED and fintech and cryptos getting rid of banksters? What about a universal basic income to solve all these problems and reduce inequalities? I'd love to think that humankind will be smart enough and that this will the path we will go through the next years...otherwise, it will be just chaos and the largest and worst crisis of our lifetimes ... What do you think about it? Am I being just a dreamer like John Lenon? Am I the only one?

I share your dreams about a better world, @albertoyago. However, if by "FED" you mean the groups that develop and execute national monetary policy, would we really want to get rid of these groups? If so, consider these points.

First, the quantity, distribution and governance of crypto currencies and their systems is a total disaster relative to the needs of the world at this time. Why do I use such strong language?

First, until Lightning network goes public some time in 2018, bitcoin has failed miserably as a system for payments and retail trade, and no other crypto currency is even close to taking its place in these functions at this time. I am tired of going to my nearby bitcoin ATM machine and finding a sign on it explaining why the owner cannot continue to operate it until certain problems in the system are fixed (you know those problems).

Second, even if you take derivatives away from the fiat money supply (world-wide) you would still have a volume of liquidity that is vastly greater than that of the aggregate of cryptos. Hence the leadership of the cryptos would have to quickly organize themselves to replace all that fat money in an orderly manner.

Third, even today there is no sign of orderly operations surrounding the bitcoin scaling debates and forks (almost monthly now we hear that a new independent group will produce a new bitcoin fork) , the manifest thinness of crypto markets (which leaves them wide open to manipulation (pumps and dumps)), and the easy hacking Ethereum-related software systems.

Only after resolving issues like these in the current international supply of cryptos could we move to replace the fiat system with cryptos.

Now let`s suppose we scaled up the supply of cryptos to support the world economy and fixed the chaotic situation I just mentioned, from where will the leadership emerge to do the following g things:
maintain the communications infrastructure of the world, the networked national energy grids, the national road systems, the hospitals and related services, the schools for young children, and the care for the unavoidably destitute? This is one question I would love to see Dollar Vigilante address.

Thus, how about hoping for co-existence of peoples’ cryptocurrencies and national fiat -money systems, along with improved performance by those who are maintaining the latter?
