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RE: How To Get Rich From Pennies

in #money8 years ago

i would recommend looking in places where change tends to collect.

metal detecting at parks, where the swings reach the furthest back. people swing up, the change comes out of their pockets.

one thing i always do is check the refusal tray of the coinstar machine at the grocery store. people are excited to get their money and forget to check the tray. sometimes it will refuse normal coins for seemingly no reason. it also refuses foreign coins. the best part is, pre 1965 silver coins are a different weight, so the machine invariably spits them out too. free silver is free silver.

just last week i found $4 in silver, and over $1 in normal coins. i've made it a habit to check on the way in and the way out. finding a 1963 quarter and a 1958 dime at once was like Christmas.


You found some great scores there! I must check those coinstars after you or something because there is never anything in there when I look.

Now turn those finds into long term wealth so you can buy your future time back!

sometimes i go months without finding anything. keep checking, don't give up.

I won't! I need more freedom and the pennies help me towards that. :D