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RE: Banks Are Merging As MASSIVE CRASH Is Imminent! - What You Need To Know

in #money7 years ago

Spot on great article! I have been following them closely and they should of crashed last year, but a massive amount of money needed to come out of somewhere to prop up the banking system. Then bitcoin comes around and starts making huge gains. bring more money in to the game, they are bouncing the crypto market the same way the bully takes your money on the simpsons.

Every time they FUD the market long term holder get scared and sell. then the btc is bought up by the cartels in anonymous accounts and held. it rises then bank more FUD more sell offs. The reality is the banks have created bitcoin and sent it out years ago knowing it will appear to have come from the people and it will be accepts its the age old classic create a problem, get a reaction, propose a solution. all the top 1% assets and property enshrined on to the block chain never to be lost is any gov topples. all there wealth and land with refutable proof of ownership. This was our island you stole in the 1800s, in 100 years it will be no it's not on the block chain they own it. and if the bank did make it and had 20% of all bitcoin locked away safe for after the big change is complete. The funny thing is we will think it is freedom from the banks and gov. But it's the total opposite! God help us, I'm all in crypto but my gains may make me feel rich. but the new level of wealth for the top %s will be sill money!