Nice choker this is. It's a one size for all necklace. Very nice. You know, I was asking myself why the mene was wrapped in purple ribbon, being that the mene casing is beautiful already, especially that purple look. So I made a little research on wrapping, and if you don't mind, I'll like to drop a little hint on what I found out
According to a study published in 1992 by Daniel Howard, professor of marketing at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, he found out that
gift wrapping is a visual signal that strikes nerves in the central nervous system and the brain, associated with happy moments in a person's life. Even a plain brown paper wrapped gift was preferred over the one that was not wrapped at all. So when we buy mene gifts for our love ones, i advice we wrap it up with lovely ribbons just as you've done here.
Am glad to see you giving your wife (Mrs goldmatters) a mene choker, showing you are a user of what you advertise, and there is no better person to give this gift to than her. Awesome.
I'll really love to receive one of these from my husband to be, I'll surely direct him to this post when he comes. 😀😀😀
Lovely wife you've got.
You are amazing lol! Researcher extraordinare! You may also find in your research there is a way to “drop a hint” to your husband on the mene site :)
😁😁😁. I think February 14th would be an appropriate time, I pray he comes before then. Also, when he asks me, ''will you marry me?', my response will surely be 'MENE!'
I love it!!