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RE: Why I Left Canada and Became A Citizen of the Dominican Republic

in #money9 years ago

"The US government is putting pressure on us and most other countries to make it harder to become a citizen."

Dang. I had never considered that aspect of the human farming system.

Never go full commie!


As well, the DR is not involved in terrorist activity, like Canada and the US. The DR has not been bombing men, women and children in Libya nor Syria... it's just nice not to be in any way involved with those acts of murder.

This, to me, is one of the primary reasons I've actually thought about living somewhere else. I've discussed it now and again with my wife and was even interested in Gult's Gultch (sad to even thing about that whole mess). One valid concern I've heard regarding the "I'm going to move because of the immoral U.S. foreign policy" is the result of now being a potential target of the immoral U.S. foreign policy. :(