Money changers, those who control the flow of money, historically have been the biggest thieves of wealth. Many laws were passed throughout history to protect people from these banksters.
Today we have The Federal Reserve system which is not federal and has no reserves and is accountable to no one.
How is that and different from the robber barons of the past?
Regardless of any moral person's background, we all condemn fraud, oppression of the poor, and injustice as clearly immoral. As you shall see, the fractional reserve system we inherited is based on fraud, results in poverty, and reduces the value of everyone else's money.
This video is a long one but will give you a clear understanding of the history of money, the deception of the banking system, and what we need to do to regain control of money to the people it is meant to serve.
The Rothschild Empire -- The True Leaders of The Planet Earth
What are your thought, comments, and ideas after watching this video?

The comments down here are a perfect reflection of why I love this community. I'm not going to be the first to call Illuminati, Freemason, or Bilderberg theories, but I think it's defintely fair to say that there are "invisible" structures in place to keep certain people where they are.
I'm hopeful that the rise of the crypto asset class will begin to break those central powers are deliver some money back to the people!
Take Henry Kissinger for example.
I'll watch the video soon, I'll need to create enough free time for it. 😁 But the topic is one I've been thinking about too. I was thinking:
I am just giving a summary here, because it'll probably take a whole lot more words to convey. If Bitcoin for example is finite as it is, then when the productivity of it's users increases then its value increases too. So when more and more people start creating things, food, cars, etc, the price of these things should adjust downwards too. It could cost 1BTC to get a car, but when the nation becomes more productive and better chains of production are invented, creating more cars, then the price should go down to reflect this. If our money system was like Bitcoin then prices would adjust more fairly to reflect the real changes in economy.
I hope I'm making sense. I'm just saying that looking at Bitcoin in the last few years, the price of a loaf of bread has gone down in BTC terms, compared to USD. Imagine what the financial world would be like if we had just Bitcoin.
To sum it up, I totally agree with you. Fiat money is flawed. Thanks for sharing this.
😁 I'm a dedicated Steemian... I write poetry... And I could use a little support 😁
That makes perfect sense. If our fiat wasn't being inflated to unpayable proportions the cost of goods would be going down now.
And they ask you to keep your ATM pin away from others so your money is safe. Are you not aware that everytime you use atm bank steal a fraction of your wealth without you knowing or even you know it you can do nothing. Bank is a number 1 theif, 1 more thing try not to make a transaction on your bank account monthly they will rob you.
And your deposit can be loaded out 9 times its value with interest.
How is that not robbery?
Cryptocurrency taking over first Venezuela next the world
Nice post 👍
stop spamming comments for upvotes
how did you know that the post is good while you didn't read it or watched its 3+ hours video
If I see you doing this again, I promise I will send you tons of flags
Ahhh! - I'm scared of posting now ! lol - I haven't seen the video, but I'm 99% sure I know pretty much what it covers ( been looking at this stuff for last 4 years)
My thoughts and Ideas - It's really simple, destroy central banking and its governmental whores. -They are not here to serve the people.
How to do it?-
A completely different question, and not entirely sure of the answer - yet - let me finish my coffee, ill get back to ya...
waiting for you
enjoy your coffee
Well the coffee is drunk but the synapses aren't firing on all cylinders yet.
Here's my quick take on it.
Cryptocurrencies ! - seriously, is about decentralization. - that is the key.
I am very dubious about it, at the moment.
On the assumption the 'government ' know about technology, years before us mere plebs, it concerns me why bitcoin has been allowed to run.
(do they have system of forfeiture we haven't seen?- put everything 'backinto the system' - I dunno)
I DO know,never, ever underestimate the banks , and if you dance with devil, you're gonna come off second best...time for another coffee
oh, quick question - I' m very new here on steemit - is it 'frowned' upon to up vote your own posts? cheers
I will watch the video after I wake up because it's more than 3 hours long and then I will come back and give a feedback
I highly recommend you do. It is wealth of information about money.
sure I will because I'm excited to know
This is eye opener
Hey! Nice post! I upvote you, you vote me and follow? I resteem you. Just kidding. Really though, I was just on the phone with my mom telling her about my crypto exploits and Steemit. Introducing her to Bitcoin. And I went off on a tangent about how the banking system is the biggest bunch of crooks on the planet. They're doing some weird 'have to have an interest earning account' thing with medicare and medicaid now. So...that just drove a nail for my argument about crypto.
TRUE and unfourtunately painful
worth to upvote
It's amazing how much global power the Rothschild family has. I try to find some logical explanations for most of the news out there, but the Rothschild conspiracy is mighty convincing. On another note, banks suck
nice post... I am a new steemians, maybe i should study first with you, regards know me

I followed and upvoted.Would you like to follow and upvote me. please follow me !
I am not a video person, so please explainme in short:
How can you rob people of money by printing it?
And how does a central bank takes away your house?
nice educational piece.
Soon all this will end. Because thanks to the Internet they are not be able to hide it anymore. And More and more people will get aware of it every day. We have to be patient.
Printing money is THEFT.
Crypto is helping to get these centralised dinosaur fucks out . The war will be long but battles are being won gradually
What would happen if Bitcoin became the new reserve currency and replaced all fiat? Would the bankers be able to run a fractional reserve lending Bitcoin out that they don't own?
Seems like we would have the same problem except taxes would need to be raised to pay for the politicians spending instead of the stealth tax of printing money.
I haven't watched the video yet, but i am going to set aside a time to watch in it's entirety. When people post these things on fakebook, it starts a huge argument & you get called a conspiracy theorist freak. Post it on here, and even if some people disagree, it's still a great productive conversation. How many times a day can I say I love Steemit?
If you vote me, you will not be able to leave anybody with you, you will vote as you go ahead but we will give support to each other
Couldn't agree more. I am a member of a group called our money it is an organisation that is educating people of our corrupt criminal money system that is owned by the central banks. It is promoted by a group of well know Dutch actors who have created several plays about this subject followed by a discussion afterwards with the audience. They have even done a play for the banking world and all the big ceo's from the big Dutch banks. Those CEO's where very unconformable I can assure you. We also started a partition to get enough votes to be able to hold a presentation in Parliament and we succeeded. We have educated our politicians about the Central banks and making money out of thin air keeping you and me into enslavement. And you know what? They all know, there is just nothing they can or are willing to do anything about it. But we should not give up, soon people like you and me will take their pace, so change is surely coming. Namaste!
Thank you so much for raising awareness about the truth of the banking systems!! If more folks realized this there could be a real revolution.
I may have a few comments because this video is long however the first thing that is never addressed is why the federal reserve bank is not open to the public! I met a group of women at the last business conference that I attended here in vegas who work for the federal reserve bank. The bank pays for their employees to come to these events to meet small business owners. Until this very moment, I have no clue what these women do at the federal reserve bank!
OMG! This topic really vexes me because I read this book The Creature From Jekyll Island! So many mixed emotions here. What options do people have if they don't participate with cryptocurrency today???