@joeycrack...Example with Ether. Ether dropped from 857$ to 560$ the 22 of Dec. I'm quite sure this was the bottom. Then it went up to 740$ and down to 610$. Now again up to 740$. Now I would wait to drop again around 650$. It can be in this range for a couple of weeks but 1 day it will rise abouve this range. I wouldn't wait too long to buy this opportunity. Probably it will be the same with Bitcoin. As you know, Bitcoin I don't touch.
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I didn't know, so why don't you touch bitcoin? Because am considering not touching anymore
@joeycrack...80% of Bitcoin-miners are in China. This way China could manipulate Bitcoin. Bitcoin is slow and expensive. Bitcoin can get forked, so it is not unique like Gold. Bitcoin is under control of the futures now. This is very bad. I don't see any long term value in Bitcoin. Very risky.