The UK National Debt Tops £2 Trillion As the Economic Collapse Unfolds.

in #money5 years ago

#debt #economy #recession #government #decitspending #tax #nationaldebt #fiatcurrency #inflation #gold #silver

Today we will look into the U.K.'s national debt and how it topped £2 trillion for the first time in history. We ill also look at inevitable economic and financial implosion that will be arriving very soon as a result of the government's policy of shutting down the economy.

My conclusion is that there is still a bit of time for one to protect his or her fiat currency savings from the inevitable confiscation via inflation or currency debasement.

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Thanks again for sharing the educational class, Maneco64. Yes, its like the controlled demolition of a worn-out shoddy eyesore building.

Your daily updates, especially the comments in between, are greatly appreciated. I can see why New York clients would call you first thing in the morning. ;o)

Thanks @jayem

I forgot to mention that the daily updates also creates a nice market time stamps throughout all of your videos to review at later dates.
Stick with it!