Warren Buffett Turns to Gold.

in #money5 years ago

#berkshirehathaway #gold #soundmoney #inflation #dollar #papermoney #fiatcurrency #goldmansachs #deficit #natrionaldebt

Today I will be going over Berkshire Hathaway's purchase of Barrick Gold in the second quarter of 2020 and what I think it means.

Warren Buffett explains gold: https://whitetopinvestor.com/warren-buffett-explains-gold/

Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money by Howard Buffett: https://www.fgmr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Howard-Buffett-explains-sound-money-4-May-1948.pdf

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Sells JPMorgan, Occidental Petroleum, Buys Barrick Gold, Kroger: https://www.barrons.com/articles/warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway-sells-jpmorgan-occidental-stock-buys-barrick-gold-51597438489


Use promo code maneco64 to get a 0.5% discount on physical gold and silver bullion purchases at https://www.goldinvestments.co.uk/

GlintPay App, Save and Spend in Gold - Use referral code MarioGlint79

Crypto donations:Teespring Store: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/maneco64 https://www.paypal.me/maneco64 https://www.patreon.com/maneco64

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BAT Currency: Uphold a/c name maneco


Thanks again for sharing your work, maneco64. A little Precious Metals will go a long way in the future.

My bet is that if he is smart, someway somehow, instead of GLD he opts for gOld!