Thanks! But now you give me a dilemma.... what shall I do?.....
I know, have a freebie MAPX token - still have some in my pocket that nobody wanted a month ago. (about the same value as the 5 ONECENTs)
Is that fair? And thanks a lot for your support.
Hahaha! Ifeel you, I am not sure if this is your first time to have a token but I am a noob token owner and I tell you there's just so many things that come up. The token distribution alone is a whole lot of challenges. I'd take it as fair whatever you decide, it is your token. I will help with spreading the word about it. Marketing and getting visibility here is a challenge. Days ago, a Steemian made a poll in dpoll about Plankton Token (a token I founded) and people were like, "We are neutral about it coz we never heard about this token." LOL It's a challenge to get the whole Steemit to see what we are up to, we can try boosting and spending 300-400 Steems to get us to Trending but that's too much Steem to burn for a budding project. I'll be sure to follow. Thanks!
Don't worry, the ONECENT game is not over - there are rumblings that will unblock what appears to be blocked ;-)