There is no secret to wealth creation, you just need to know those facts and take action. Simple :)

in #money8 years ago (edited)


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So many people master the a very common believe - spiritual and financial abundance are out of reach as they are contradicting each other. Such a wrong perception to start with. I am so blessed for attending last year in London - mind changing 3 day course called Millionaire Mindset. Why this event was the life transforming experience for me? The training completely shatter the abundance-limiting belief. Most people are programming themselves to be poor, or borderline financially broken, when literally is nothing stopping you to be financially healthy and beyond this. 

The course gave me the knowledge to build healthy relationship to money, how to be kind to yourself, balanced, generous, spiritual and rich at the same time without self-sabotage, or negativity associated with such a complex however such a vital topic. Why it is so important? Money are very important however people have very destructive view on this particular topic making the whole experience more than less traumatizing, when it should not be to start with. 

If you never attend Millionaire Mindset by Harv Eker I do strongly advice you to participate and make the most out of it. Because this changed my financial blueprint, allow me to focus on creating abundant life and make myself responsible for everything what I do in terms of money. 

I want to share with you Money Mantra which was first time introduced on the course, I read Harv Eker book before but the transformation came during the course because I could see people who just live their life according to this simple as well as unique principles. So here they are, the key is to read them out loud few times a day, for 30 days so you can start create a habit as well as starting to reprogram your subconscious mind on money mastering masterpiece. 


Attitude of Wealth - WINNING THE MIND GAME

I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success

I play the money game to win, my intention is to create wealth and abundance 

I admire and model rich and successful people 

I believe money is important, money is freedom, and money makes life more enjoyable

I get rich doing what I love

I deserve to be rich because I add value to other peoples lives 

I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver

I am truly grateful for all the money I have now

Lucrative opportunities always come my way

My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day

I am excellent money manager

I always pay myself first

I put money into my financial freedom fund every day

My money works hard for me and makes me more money 

I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle

I am financially free. I work because I choose t, not because I have to

My part time business is managing and investing my money and creating passive income streams.

The key is to create a pattern, teach yourself to think in financially free mindset, so you will be able to create a habit, you will be able to condition yourself for financial abundance and this is is the reason why you need to read this every day, loud and with emotions!!!

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Make sure you become money friendly person, by educating yourself about money. Stop being money deprived person and become wealthy so you can help as many people as possible to enhance their quality of life. 

Find  yourself a mentor who is financially free. However do not take advice's from financially broken who are struggling with money in the same way like you do. 

Focus your time on financial education, I would personally recommend Harv Eker and Robert Kiyosaki books which will help you to create your wealth blueprint which will be moving you to your financial freedom. 

It is not matter of a luck or bad luck related to money, it is all about knowledge as well as the ability to create wealth as the effect of direct action. It is no accident in terms of wealth, you need to know what to do to be wealthy. You know what you need to have if you want make jam sandwich? Do you? Its is the same with financial blueprint, you need to learn what you need to have, what you need to master and you will be in control of your finances, financial freedom. 

Please let me know how did you find the information useful, what do you think about money, what is your financial blueprint. What you are doing to be financially free? 

Thank you for your time, and I hope this enhanced your knowledge in financial abundance, if yo uhave any questions please free to message me. 

If you want to know my next post please feel happy to follow me on @margot so you will not miss it.


Well done. No doubt, exist at least one version of you that have already achived prosperity. All you have to do is to tune to that version of you..)

Thank you so much @non-judgemental Have a great day :)