

Yeah it’s bent that’s for sure, thanks mike

Thanks again, Gregory. Welcome to bizarro world. You better BYOCB.

Hello mr robin hood, good to see you.Thanks for your update.Very needy one, keep sharing with us sir.

Like you have been saying Greg, the're going to keep propping this thing up until the mid terms or until they can't, craziness. As far as DB, how about Deadbeat Central Bankers.

Hey, just came to me, a new pneumonic, DBCB's, kinda has a nice ring to it, ha.

The Fed and/or the ECB is buying up Deutsche Bank stock. They can't have it going to zero. Or it would cause bankruns.

Deutsche Bank has derivatives in the TRILLIONS. There's no way it can bailed out.

In all honesty (because I'm a weirdo) I thought of Bear Sterns when you said DB... but I think consensus says its Debt Bomb.

I really like your news, thanks have various information. Do not forget to follow back my account @julhadi

I really like your news, thanks have various information. Do not forget to follow back my account @julhadi

DB = Dead broke , Disaster Brewing, Doomed bank

DB...Debt Bomb? Forced bail outs? Bail ins?

I guess DB is too big to fail. If I ever get too big to fail it will be surely a sign I'm doing something terribly wrong.
upvoted and resteemed.

We are living a fake world!!!!!!

DB = D.B. Cooper - he bailed with $$$ MILLIONS$$$ !!


DB could be... Dishonest Banksters