
Today is Wake Up DAY!

Inflation is seen in the size of food packaging. Same selling price but smaller package.

FED man walking...May Your Health Be With YOU.png


Thanks again, Dave. Thanks for all you do, keeping us informed.

It will be interesting to see how the flow of money investments in NK will now affect the market. Maybe not a bleep. Also have the running down of pedophile rings which will eventually include some high rollers so also wondering how that will impact the market. We live in most interesting times.
upvoted and resteemed.

Great one..I appreciate your post.. keep it up

you didnt even have time to watch the video before you posted. LOL

IMO, it's more important to get the benefit of Greg's insight than to post a hasty reply.

That's a good job, i appreciate your post.

Gold Silver and Cryptos sound very LOUD right about now and is music to my ears.

I agree. Silver is number one with me.

"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

We all knew inflation was coming! It's kind of scary that it is finally here but I'm also relieved. Maybe now people will no longer think I'm a fool for warning about the inflationary effects of monetary expansion.