
Will we see the mortgage bubble pop finally, it cannot continue growing and the stock market will follow.
What's the safe haven? Gold and silver, we may even see a new crypto high.
Either way she will down play it all, lie about the numbers, the only way unfortunately out is another crisi, like war, and that's not good but neither are any other outlooks.
Either way keep buying in at these give away prices on gold and especially silver.

Hi @buster544,
Credit is already being reduced by the day, mortgage bubble pops next month, stock market in December.
Can't eat your silver or gold when the shipping lines to the stores stop. But Silver is a good investment at these prices.
Load up on toilet paper, that's one thing you don't want to run out of.
My family in the Ukrainian; told me stories of food and goods shortages for most of their lives living there. So it wont shock me but most will LOOSE IT! meaning major suicides and looting.

Bank holiday/when they close the banks, thats your last chance to get out or load up and lock down.

The West will soon see how it feels to have Sanctions like conditions that they continue to impose on Russia and its neighbours.

Stock up now or go on a extended holiday. its going to be a rough 5 to 8 years in North America.

I believe your correct to the point of certain states and areas, some will live on like nothing happened, while the rest will be fighting just to survive, your seeing some of that now with people rioting and looting.
They worry more about knocking over statues other than learning about history.
We are already in a crisis mode, and it's sad that half of the country won't believe it's happening, the MSM is doing a good job of dumbing them down.
Toilet paper and water with food and a way to cook or at least some food that you can survive on for some time.
One is grow your own vegetables, and also have a plan to support not just your family but work out something with a community.
This is what needs to happen, but again people just are to busy fighting against each other.
Yeah this is going to be a really bad situation coming....

Well said.
MSM keeps pumping the fake news ( they should FRY!)
I am moving from Canada to Mexico in the next two months because you can't grow much for 7months out of the year there. Even growing in doors will be difficult without power and heat full time.
I can live there on 1/5th I live off in Canada :) and I can grow year round :) that's heaven for me!

It's getting to the point we all need to make some changes.

Yes prepare or go without.

People forget that during the Great Depression in America also lined up with one of the biggest nation wide droughts.
Americans were reduced to eating dogs and cats the same way the poor Venezuelan people are forced to do today.
A people who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

you are very correct @dionec

MSM hides the Truth; the food lines would be worse then the great depression if they weren't passing out food stamps to over a 100 Million americans.

Leave now and avoid this 10 year hardship that begun last year for the USA Citizen.

JUst as well I'm an Australian living in Australia then grins

This very is great.

It too more good (?) :OP !
Rock on Brother Greg !! Spreading your good word and valuable tools / resources everywhere I can!

so what happens if no one buys their Treasury bonds and securities backed by mortgages ?

Mystery off-shore buyer shows up as usual?

Treasuries won't sell off. "Maalox" Mannarino now advocating long (and wrong!) stock positions so the market is 99.9999% assured of selling off. When it does everyone will run to the treasury bonds and dollah. Dollah (as measured by UUP) should trade to a new 52 week low. So if you were dumb enough to follow Greg into his "horde gold and silver!" call exactly one week ago from this past Fri, you should just hang in there. What until "greg says it is time to buy silver and gold again (becuz his kittens are "almost" even on their trade from 2 Fris ago), then sell....or better yet...short for a new 52 week low.

nice stock market

Thanks for the great video my friend. Love your commentary Greg.

they will probably use the hurricanes as an excuse to not raise

Yellen is immaterial to what the market does for the next 12 months as he moves will be "reactionary" to what the markets do. Looking at "market driven" rates we now see a rally in long term bond rates (which of course is causing anyone who followed Greg "Maalox" Mannarino into silver and gold assets 2 week ago to shit their pants). Greg and his kittens getting their asses kicked is actually what is causing Greg to ignore bond rates right now. Normally, Greg looks at this chart and screems at teh top of his lungs >>> Treasury bond prices on their way to zero! :O But he can't do that now since his kittens are getting trounced do to his last dummass call. :-)

Thanks for the heads up.

Nice artwork, keep the info coming.

We will wait and see. Thank you Greg for bringing this to our attention.

So if no rate hike and no change to balance sheet, bond prices should rise and so should precious metals right? That is not what is happening today at all!

Thank you for your widsom Greg.

Also I have been stuying the Great Depression.
A huge debt bubble coupled with a massive drought
which turned into famine.
I recommend watching PBS's series on The Great Depression for a refresher course of what it looked like and the realities of it

We are heading into similar territory.
BUT not drought but Grand Solar Minimum.
I urge you Greg look at the price trends of agicultural commodities
for the last two years AND then engage in a strenuous 2 min google
search for crop losses.
You'll see a trend emerge that is startling.

We are seeing more and more crop failures due to cold, wet conditions.

Jast as we see lame stream media giving the audience a spin on the markets
they are also giving a spin on what is really happening to the climate, crop losses and distorting temperature data.
My own Australian government has been committing vast fraud in this area.

So what it boils down to is a repeat of The Great Depression ON STEROIDS.

Good Analysis

So...Yellen will open her mouth, and the market will either go up or go down. Uhmmm...

Good point. Better to wait until Greg opens his mouth...then take the other side of the trade he spews.

Balance Sheet? ok,
Balanced Sheet? now that's a joke!
The FED is DEAD! But the FUD will create a ralley before the bubble POPS!
Moving Up before the CRASH of History!
No Christmas this year!

As the dollar continues to fall won't the stock market inflate? Do you follow Cliff High: he predicts 40,000 Dow due to hyperinflation.

Whatever Janet Yellen is yellin' about, I don't think she will raise interest rates seeing the damage that Hurricane Irma did. The US government is going to need cheap credit to finance it's Virgin Islands territory.

Will have to wait and see Wednesday.

Nice work as usual....the drawing is not bad.

Thank you!