Did you have problems posting this on dtube?
If you want help with the sync for audio/video, maybe I can give you some pointers..
Let us know what happened; I'm still trying to figure out how dtube works exactly; it posts for you on steemit?
It really is. I hope some that are ahead, heed his advice and reallocate some BTC. Attempt to get debt free or at least better off then you were before this climb.
I am debt free. I would also like to be asset-rich though! I agree there will be crash in the future. But what should we do? Should we be hoarding canned food? Stockpiling cash? Buying gold? Buying ammo?
BTW, why are you still blaming Obama though? Trump is also saying things are great.
So you noticed that about Trumpf. Yes, he's taking credit for a market rally that was a "bubble" (according to him) before he was even elected. Now it's "all good" ...according to Trumpf. So now we know who to blame when he is proven that it really was a bubble? Trumpf now "owns" the market crash...ifn when it happens. Intrusting...why would he even say it? Suspicous? Anyone? OK...ya'll go back to sleep or better yet...just listen to what Greg says. :-)
Watching joejustjoe get his face ripped off shorting nugt via dust. Slv puts for 8/18 and spy puts for 8/18. Couple 100% losses there. Not so great there joeschlep
Yes, right on the money Greg. I've been tracking when this is likely to occur for nearly 18 months. I don't have an answer yet... which is pissing me off!
Is this a threat to the stability of the world economy @marketreport ,, because in my country .. and if it repeats like in 2008, it has reflected the turmoil of the capital market and money market indices in india where the index of composite stocks in December 2008 closed at 1,355.4 trimmed level Almost half of which is at the level of early 2008 of 2,627.3. Which collapsed in tandem with the fall of market capitalization and a sharp decline in the volume of stock trading in my country of Indonesia. Even up to the end of 2008 foreign position in SUN was recorded at 87.4 trillion IDR. Down compared to September that had reached 104 trillion. And the foreign position in SBI was 8.4 IDR TRILLION. Decreased sharply from the previous 68.4 trillion IDR.
This is so true. Just from a 101 eye test i would say 90% of my friends have debt and its not a light one either. I'm a college grad just 23 my friends are 20-25. Young Americans. Virtually no way to aviod it either. Sad, but i have friends that have plenlty available cash but choose to sit on it instead of paying off debts or at the least INVEST IT
Canadians on average live longer than Americans so WE have more time to pay for it.
The per head federal debt of US is about 30k USD higher than Canadian so that by my guesstimate it puts people in both countries in the same kind of leaking boat whose names end in dollar.
Canadians might have to be concerned with govmint debt, but not Americans. You Canadians along with the rest of the world are going to finance our debt at a below 0% interest rate. So the U.S. govmint can issue even more debt and trust me, you will come running to pile in as your Looney collapses under the strength of "king" dollah. You can already see it happening in the world of "market driven" rates via the rally in long term U.S. govmint bond instruments like TLT. I've been outlining this to Greg but he's still fighting it for now...not for much longer though. Personal debt is a different issue. As is the "norm," I disagree with Greg again. I say charge ALL of your unsecured credit cards to the max. Every bank and finance company in America will be on the verge of bankruptcy by April 2018. No waaaay they come after you for nonpayment simply because they won't be able to afford to do so. So don't worry about personal unsecured debt. Pile it on! Settle with whatever entity buys it in "defunctness" post Argamegdon. Or I'll do it for you for 1/2 of what Greg will charge you to be his partner in trading on a "1 on 1" basis....plus a % of what I will save you over you handling it yourself and totally scrrewing it up. This applies to U.S. citizens only of course. As I said, you Canadians are screwed, bloo'd, and tattoo'd...you just don't realize it yet. :-)
There is 2 problem with you plan, at least 2 that I can see.
The debt would be sold to the next business to do collection so it does not matter if the card/mortgage co. go out of business.
The Liberals have already passed a bail-in clause for banks sneaked inside a bigger bill. IIRC all bond holders will become shareholders, so the bank go under and no collection case is very unlikely.
OT. In fact bank bonds are mainly sold to pension fund, insurance company etc. The consequences of bailin is going to screw a lot of retiree / insurance policy holder.
Yes, as I said, you will be dealing with the next business, or maybe even the one after that ...as the charge off accounts are still valid debts until settled in a court of law. The one thing that is for certain is that the new businesses that now own the rights to collect on your loan paid a discount for that "privilege"...so let the negotiations begin. If tehy don't actually take you to court before another entity starts calling it has "likely" been discounted again. If the first debt collector gave up on you, I'm "confident" the second and third will too. Take "comfort" in knowing you weren't even worth taking to court...and be proud of it! :-)
As far as the second part goes we'll see what the "spoils" are worth. I figger Bank of America will still be looking to liquidate their real assets at a tremendous discount just to stave off their bankruptcy. Things will really have to go to shit if teh bondholders are going to assume discounted assets as a "proxy" for the price of BAC stock. It'll take them 3 years to sort out your mortgage for instance. 3 years of free rent. That's "if" you have the guts to screw a banker in the ass like they screwed you. How many payments on your $250K house will it take to buy your next door neighbors $250K house in cash at an 80% discount to the current price. I can tell you when to stop paying on your mortgage. But this spew will need to earn at least $100 first. This info-may-shun is worth waaay more than most of the shit you see here at steemit.
Ooops, I see that your reply was directed to @pocketchange. I already explained to him why his plan is "flawed" but I don't think he yet understands the "reality" of falling prices for everything. So I'm sure he will continue to spew the "coins for tots" plan until he gets the rude awakening that a 1 dollar coin buys you 25% more than what it buys you right now. ...just becuz the world will "clamor' for your dollars. So holding coins is not a bad idear. The old coins which are works of art will likely lose value becuz they are priced as "investments" right now by the same idiots still looking to sell homes in teh cramped in Hamptons for $9 million. Those clowns are also pricing collector coins. So collector coins aren't a good idear either I would imagine. The windup? Pocketchange's idear is fine with me...hold your everyday U.S. minted coinage...gain 25% over the next 12 to 18 months...plus in 2 years the house next door is selling for half the current price! ...or less! :O I'm actually "shocked!" I don't have more followers. My America is gonna rock!
I personally love being "Debt Free"... The Reset will have no effect on the Debt... If you owe now, you'll owe afterwards... I'm sure you're already aware of my Pocket Change Theory... Have a nice day... @Pocketechange
I've been telling my Followers to have at least 100 dollars (face value) in Physical Pocket Change for every 10,000 dollars in debt they may have... @pocketechange
Don't get upset! You are right, have been right the whole time. This is just going to take time. The Powers That Be are not ready yet for the collapse!
The Reset is getting so close... Don't overlook pocket change... I think it will play a very important roll in the Transfer of Wealth... @pocketechange
Thank You Greg, very good message your sending out, I think a lot of people think there bills and the money they owe will be wiped away with a reset, I dont think so i think they will just add to your payments, again thank you for the strong message.
The National Debt will be paid in full, but your debt will remain after the Reset... You could prepare right now for that outcome by checking out my Transfer of Wealth Post... @pocketechange
It's a debt based system. These leeches in charge will absolutely do the same thing they've done in the past but on a bigger scale. Everyone will bitch and moan about it and then jump right back in and be on board for the next time. There will be a next time too. It may be different people in a different country while this one burns but that's how these leeches make a living. I digress.
Right now, silver is going up and down... The problem no one is seeing is that their Value is being measured in with a Dying Fiat Dollar Debt Note... Read my post Titled... The Transfer of Wealth... @pocketechange
Greg, for weeks you have been asking the "dollar" bulls to explain how you were wrong about a collapsing dollar, to make a case for a dollar recovery. You just made the case for a "dollar" recovery. What happens in a credit freeze/deflationary crash? The dollar goes up, US Gov't Bonds catch a huge wind in their sails and rise. The general stock market tanks perhaps as much as 50% of this current move, S&P at 1580 - ouch! - it could be more. Gold, silver, and crypto-currencies all get hammered. Amex Goldbug Index (HUI) below 100, maybe down to 47! These are not the days to be passive index investors or blind stackers.
I have the one answer, no one else sees... Read my Transfer of Wealth Post... The Reset will be Smooth, and no one is going to lose Buying Power... Play your cards right and you'll be a big time winner... @pocketechange
Thumbs up for buffalo bass farts. LMT now o-fish-ally "trapped" belowst $307...even though it signaled short term buy just before the close. Watch this....you too, Mr Kim. Stop a frenzy, save a MOAB! :O
USA household net worth, Assets-Liabilities, has gone from 56 trillion in 2008 to 95 trillion in 2017. Mentioning debt levels, without examining Asset levels, is pointless.
It is highly unlikely that we will have a credit freeze. Central banks and flood the system with money. They can be the creditors of last resort. Reserve currency countries are highly unlikely to triggered credit events because of the back stop. We have seen that in China, Europe and the USA.
This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug 15. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $20.28 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
I feel from multiple posts of yours that there is not enough actual explanation of what brought you to your conclusions. Even if you're correct, your arguments are mostly emotion. Could you work on that and show us the numbers that indicate your predictions?
Did you have problems posting this on dtube?
If you want help with the sync for audio/video, maybe I can give you some pointers..
Let us know what happened; I'm still trying to figure out how dtube works exactly; it posts for you on steemit?
thank you Greg
greg upload to https://dtube.video/ since you are a big fan of steemit youtube is dead
Check out the debt clock : usdebtclock.org
good stuff
It really is. I hope some that are ahead, heed his advice and reallocate some BTC. Attempt to get debt free or at least better off then you were before this climb.
This fack @marketreport
I am debt free. I would also like to be asset-rich though! I agree there will be crash in the future. But what should we do? Should we be hoarding canned food? Stockpiling cash? Buying gold? Buying ammo?
BTW, why are you still blaming Obama though? Trump is also saying things are great.
So you noticed that about Trumpf. Yes, he's taking credit for a market rally that was a "bubble" (according to him) before he was even elected. Now it's "all good" ...according to Trumpf. So now we know who to blame when he is proven that it really was a bubble? Trumpf now "owns" the market crash...ifn when it happens. Intrusting...why would he even say it? Suspicous? Anyone? OK...ya'll go back to sleep or better yet...just listen to what Greg says. :-)
Watching joejustjoe get his face ripped off shorting nugt via dust. Slv puts for 8/18 and spy puts for 8/18. Couple 100% losses there. Not so great there joeschlep
Yes, right on the money Greg. I've been tracking when this is likely to occur for nearly 18 months. I don't have an answer yet... which is pissing me off!
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
way ahead of you my friend. Resteemed it like 12 minutes after you posted it!
Is this a threat to the stability of the world economy @marketreport ,, because in my country .. and if it repeats like in 2008, it has reflected the turmoil of the capital market and money market indices in india where the index of composite stocks in December 2008 closed at 1,355.4 trimmed level Almost half of which is at the level of early 2008 of 2,627.3. Which collapsed in tandem with the fall of market capitalization and a sharp decline in the volume of stock trading in my country of Indonesia. Even up to the end of 2008 foreign position in SUN was recorded at 87.4 trillion IDR. Down compared to September that had reached 104 trillion. And the foreign position in SBI was 8.4 IDR TRILLION. Decreased sharply from the previous 68.4 trillion IDR.
This is why we need a decentralized free market that has no government or central bank monopoly. Thanks for sharing this great report.
This is so true. Just from a 101 eye test i would say 90% of my friends have debt and its not a light one either. I'm a college grad just 23 my friends are 20-25. Young Americans. Virtually no way to aviod it either. Sad, but i have friends that have plenlty available cash but choose to sit on it instead of paying off debts or at the least INVEST IT
You and your friends will love reading my Theory of the Transfer of Wealth... We're so close to the Reset...
All done by design folks, debt/usury was the goal for the NWO all along
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
Canadians is even more in debt than americans. Resteemed
My 0.02 Steem :
Canadians might have to be concerned with govmint debt, but not Americans. You Canadians along with the rest of the world are going to finance our debt at a below 0% interest rate. So the U.S. govmint can issue even more debt and trust me, you will come running to pile in as your Looney collapses under the strength of "king" dollah. You can already see it happening in the world of "market driven" rates via the rally in long term U.S. govmint bond instruments like TLT. I've been outlining this to Greg but he's still fighting it for now...not for much longer though. Personal debt is a different issue. As is the "norm," I disagree with Greg again. I say charge ALL of your unsecured credit cards to the max. Every bank and finance company in America will be on the verge of bankruptcy by April 2018. No waaaay they come after you for nonpayment simply because they won't be able to afford to do so. So don't worry about personal unsecured debt. Pile it on! Settle with whatever entity buys it in "defunctness" post Argamegdon. Or I'll do it for you for 1/2 of what Greg will charge you to be his partner in trading on a "1 on 1" basis....plus a % of what I will save you over you handling it yourself and totally scrrewing it up. This applies to U.S. citizens only of course. As I said, you Canadians are screwed, bloo'd, and tattoo'd...you just don't realize it yet. :-)
There is 2 problem with you plan, at least 2 that I can see.
OT. In fact bank bonds are mainly sold to pension fund, insurance company etc. The consequences of bailin is going to screw a lot of retiree / insurance policy holder.
Yes, as I said, you will be dealing with the next business, or maybe even the one after that ...as the charge off accounts are still valid debts until settled in a court of law. The one thing that is for certain is that the new businesses that now own the rights to collect on your loan paid a discount for that "privilege"...so let the negotiations begin. If tehy don't actually take you to court before another entity starts calling it has "likely" been discounted again. If the first debt collector gave up on you, I'm "confident" the second and third will too. Take "comfort" in knowing you weren't even worth taking to court...and be proud of it! :-)
As far as the second part goes we'll see what the "spoils" are worth. I figger Bank of America will still be looking to liquidate their real assets at a tremendous discount just to stave off their bankruptcy. Things will really have to go to shit if teh bondholders are going to assume discounted assets as a "proxy" for the price of BAC stock. It'll take them 3 years to sort out your mortgage for instance. 3 years of free rent. That's "if" you have the guts to screw a banker in the ass like they screwed you. How many payments on your $250K house will it take to buy your next door neighbors $250K house in cash at an 80% discount to the current price. I can tell you when to stop paying on your mortgage. But this spew will need to earn at least $100 first. This info-may-shun is worth waaay more than most of the shit you see here at steemit.
Ooops, I see that your reply was directed to @pocketchange. I already explained to him why his plan is "flawed" but I don't think he yet understands the "reality" of falling prices for everything. So I'm sure he will continue to spew the "coins for tots" plan until he gets the rude awakening that a 1 dollar coin buys you 25% more than what it buys you right now. ...just becuz the world will "clamor' for your dollars. So holding coins is not a bad idear. The old coins which are works of art will likely lose value becuz they are priced as "investments" right now by the same idiots still looking to sell homes in teh cramped in Hamptons for $9 million. Those clowns are also pricing collector coins. So collector coins aren't a good idear either I would imagine. The windup? Pocketchange's idear is fine with me...hold your everyday U.S. minted coinage...gain 25% over the next 12 to 18 months...plus in 2 years the house next door is selling for half the current price! ...or less! :O I'm actually "shocked!" I don't have more followers. My America is gonna rock!
I personally love being "Debt Free"... The Reset will have no effect on the Debt... If you owe now, you'll owe afterwards... I'm sure you're already aware of my Pocket Change Theory... Have a nice day...
nice if u exept this then we agree with u to listen ur logis sir
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
Check out DTube and maybe start uploading your videos there:
nice video, information thanks

YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
Ok sir
upvoted and followed you, if you like cuteanimal please follow me
Upvote and Resteem. Cheers Gregory.
Great analysis @marketreport, your videos and articles are real help for all steemians.
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
Thanks friend @marketreport , they are excellent security measures, people have to have more knowledge so that they are not affected
I've been telling my Followers to have at least 100 dollars (face value) in Physical Pocket Change for every 10,000 dollars in debt they may have...
Don't get upset! You are right, have been right the whole time. This is just going to take time. The Powers That Be are not ready yet for the collapse!
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
Roger That!
Have they been censoring your video's??
Debt is what drives all of this world economy and until more and more people wake up, this will not end.
Musical Chairs...!
Try not to be holding a bunch of Dead or Dying (Debt) Federal Reserve Notes when the Reset and Transfer of Wealth occurs...
I am there with you on that one.
Gee that sounds serious.. better prepare
The Reset is getting so close... Don't overlook pocket change... I think it will play a very important roll in the Transfer of Wealth...
nice work greg sir again see ur prdictions and also feel good to see u soon after from ur yesterdays 2 weeks post
That was a great call on the XRT put.
Trouble is coming, but the main question is when.
Your best advice is to get out of debt. You just can't go wrong with doing that. You put yourself in a position of servitude by staying in debt.
YouTube is trying to censor me/this video. Please share it before they take it down!
The debt is eating up the money velocity that we need to keep this economy going. Let's go BK.
Do yourself a favor and read my Transfer of Wealth post...
Maybe you could start thinking about ditching YouTube and moving your content to DTube:
Thank You Greg, very good message your sending out, I think a lot of people think there bills and the money they owe will be wiped away with a reset, I dont think so i think they will just add to your payments, again thank you for the strong message.
The National Debt will be paid in full, but your debt will remain after the Reset... You could prepare right now for that outcome by checking out my Transfer of Wealth Post...
you are so right...and history is repeating again and again, also in crypto market
You'd be amazed at my Theory for the Reset and Transfer of Wealth... No one else sees what I see coming our way...
It's a debt based system. These leeches in charge will absolutely do the same thing they've done in the past but on a bigger scale. Everyone will bitch and moan about it and then jump right back in and be on board for the next time. There will be a next time too. It may be different people in a different country while this one burns but that's how these leeches make a living. I digress.
You'll love reading and Resteeming my post titled... "The Transfer of Wealth"...
great. maybe silver will go up now
Right now, silver is going up and down... The problem no one is seeing is that their Value is being measured in with a Dying Fiat Dollar Debt Note... Read my post Titled... The Transfer of Wealth...
Greg, for weeks you have been asking the "dollar" bulls to explain how you were wrong about a collapsing dollar, to make a case for a dollar recovery. You just made the case for a "dollar" recovery. What happens in a credit freeze/deflationary crash? The dollar goes up, US Gov't Bonds catch a huge wind in their sails and rise. The general stock market tanks perhaps as much as 50% of this current move, S&P at 1580 - ouch! - it could be more. Gold, silver, and crypto-currencies all get hammered. Amex Goldbug Index (HUI) below 100, maybe down to 47! These are not the days to be passive index investors or blind stackers.
I have the one answer, no one else sees... Read my Transfer of Wealth Post... The Reset will be Smooth, and no one is going to lose Buying Power... Play your cards right and you'll be a big time winner...
Thanks a ton for everything you do! I'm holding hard assets......I'm my own central bank thanks to you!
There's another Hard Asset that everyone is over-looking... Read about it in my Transfer of Wealth Post...
Look at US debt clock. This is putting things in a good perspective:
If retail is doing well then someone should tell JC Penny's stock price. @marketreport
Thumbs up YouTube... resteem here :-)
Thumbs up for buffalo bass farts. LMT now o-fish-ally "trapped" belowst $307...even though it signaled short term buy just before the close. Watch this....you too, Mr Kim. Stop a frenzy, save a MOAB! :O
Keep working to get debt free, hope my cryptos help me out.
USA household net worth, Assets-Liabilities, has gone from 56 trillion in 2008 to 95 trillion in 2017. Mentioning debt levels, without examining Asset levels, is pointless.
We are in deep. I'm trying to pay my mortgage as fast as possible.
Great video
thank you for sharing
thank you
thank you
It is highly unlikely that we will have a credit freeze. Central banks and flood the system with money. They can be the creditors of last resort. Reserve currency countries are highly unlikely to triggered credit events because of the back stop. We have seen that in China, Europe and the USA.
This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug 15. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $20.28 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 15 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.
I feel from multiple posts of yours that there is not enough actual explanation of what brought you to your conclusions. Even if you're correct, your arguments are mostly emotion. Could you work on that and show us the numbers that indicate your predictions?
A Citizen is a Slave not a Debtor Gregory.
That's cool my credit has been basically frozen for 15 years